Live The Life You Want

Jan 12, 2023

It’s a new year.  You may not be where you expected to be at this very moment, but you must let the previous year go if you want to make room for all the big goals and dreams to come this year.  You’re going to need to decide what you want this year.  The first step is to reassess where you are and then figure out where you want to be.  After you’ve done that, you’ll need an action plan to get you there.  Here are the four steps broken down for you to work through this process to help you live the life you want.



If you’re still working towards a specific goal, reassess your goal and how you feel.  Maybe your goal no longer aligns with what you want in your life anymore.  Decide if you want to recommit, readjust, or completely scrap your goal.  It’s okay to make changes, adjustments, and modify your goal.  This is your life.  Reassess where you are and what you want to make happen...

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New Year's Resolutions Versus Goals

Jan 05, 2023

The new year is here and new year’s resolutions are a popular topic right now.  You might be considering setting a new year’s resolution for yourself or maybe you already have.  You want to kick the year off right so you figure a new year’s resolution is a great place to start.  You’re excited, inspired, and motivated to make some big changes this year.  In fact, you’re ready to make this your best year yet!



A new year’s resolution is something you want to change in order to improve your life.  Maybe you want to start exercising, stop a bad habit, incorporate a new healthy habit, etc.  Most new year’s resolutions are absolutes where you say you’re going to do something or not do something.  It’s a promise to yourself that you’re going to make it a point to stick to.  You start off strong because you’re so excited and motivated to make this new year’s...

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Create Your Dreaming Session

Dec 29, 2022

In the final week of the year, set aside time to dream about what you achieve and make happen in the new year.  Now is the perfect opportunity to create your dreaming session.  Here is how to get started to dream about the new year.


Set The Mood

Before you start dreaming about what you want to make happen in the new year, you need to first set the mood.  You’re not going to be able to focus and dream in a loud, busy environment.  Instead, find a quiet place alone where you can dream without interruption.  Maybe you want to light a candle while you cozy up with a warm blanket and your favorite beverage.  Take a few deep breaths to slow your mind down from life’s hectic pace.  It’s not a race to see how quickly you can complete your dreaming session.  Rather, it’s a time for you to dream as long as you need to so that you can fully visualize your major milestones in the new year.  Also, make sure you have a...

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Reflecting Over The Year

Dec 22, 2022

The journey of life is not an easy, clear, direct path.  There are lots of ups and downs.  Maybe this was an up year or perhaps it was a down year.  Either way, it’s important to reflect over the year.  You’ve made it through some tough times.  Take a look at the obstacles you’ve overcome and the difficulties that you’ve faced.  Celebrate each milestone on your journey.  These challenges have pushed you out of your comfort zone and helped you to step into a higher version of yourself.  Without these challenges it’s difficult to learn and grow.  Here is how to complete your yearly reflection.



There are things you know now that you didn’t know at the beginning of the year.  Whether this was knowledge you gained through books, podcasts, videos, or courses, you’ve furthered your mental cognizance.  Maybe you learned a new skill this year by taking up a new hobby.  Perhaps...

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Your Yearly Review

Dec 15, 2022

With December here, it’s the perfect time to complete a yearly review of the goals you’ve achieved and where you may have missed the mark.  This yearly review will allow you to celebrate your success of what went right and also acknowledge what didn’t go quite as well so that you can make improvements in the future.  Here are four steps to complete your yearly review to set yourself up for success in the new year.


Lessons Learned

First, write down the lessons that you’ve learned this year.  Think about what your biggest takeaways were from this year.  Usually these lessons are from challenges or difficult times that you’ve faced.  But, it could also just be something new that you’ve learned.  Maybe a new mindset shift of how to think about things and view the world.  It could be a new hobby that you dedicated time to practicing and learning.  Consider what experience and knowledge you gained this...

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Four Lessons From This Year

Dec 08, 2022

Each year brings about something new.  This includes new challenges and opportunities to learn.  It’s in the darkest, most difficult of times that you’re able to fully breakthrough and experience growth.  Ultimately, this is what life is all about.  You’re able to become the highest version of yourself when you learn and grow.  Those lessons can be taken with you and help you in future challenges.  Here are four lessons from this year.


Search For Signs

Often seeing the success of others can be triggering.  Usually this is because you’re not quite there yet or at least as far along as you’d like to be.  Instead of feeling envy or jealously, see the success of others as proof that it is possible for you.  Better yet, that it is a sign that you’re on the right track and on the path to seeing success in your own life.  See someone else’s success as confirmation that success on already its...

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Four Things You Can Achieve This Month

Dec 01, 2022

It’s officially December!  You may be feeling the pressure to try and make up for lost time in regards to your goals.  You maybe thinking that you can scramble, push extra hard, work furiously, and actually squeak out achieving the goal you’ve set by the end of the year.  But, is that really the best move?  Be realistic with what you can achieve this month.  Be practical and don’t overwhelm yourself by overloading your schedule with ten million to dos.  Here are four things you can achieve this month in order to set yourself up for success in the new year.


Your Goal

First, reconnect to yourself, your goals, and your dreams.  The year is almost over.  You may not be exactly where you had hoped.  But, you are here, so let’s end the year on a high note!  Revisit your vision for this year and acknowledge if it’s changed.  Maybe you’ve veered off course or your goal no longer aligns with...

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How To Survive The Holidays

Nov 24, 2022

With the holidays around the corner, life can get busy and your goal gets pushed to the back burner.  You have a lot going on and adding one more thing to your plate feels overwhelming.  Here is how to survive the holidays and still make progress toward your goal.


Self Care

With so much on your to do list, the holidays can feel extremely overwhelming.  That’s why it’s important to find time in your schedule to just breathe.  Take a beat and pause.  If you’re able to, squeeze in a nap or quiet time to read a book.  You might have to get up a bit earlier to have this peace and quiet to yourself.  Be still in the meditative silence.  Escape the busyness of the holidays and go for a walk to clear your thoughts.  All of these may be tough to do during the holidays but it is so important for your mental health and wellbeing.  You have to take care of yourself if you expect to be present and there for others too at...

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What You Should Do To Compare Your Progress

Nov 17, 2022

It’s so easy to compare where you are to someone else.  You see someone else achieve success but you don’t know the whole story.  You can’t compare your progress to someone else who has been at it longer, had more practice, or has had more resources available to them.  Especially if you haven’t been taking consistent action to achieve your goal.  Here is what you should do instead of comparing your progress to someone else.


Consistent Action

When you see someone else succeed, take a look and see what they did and how they achieved success.  Usually, it boils down to being consistent, more often, and for a longer period of time.  Massive progress is made by taking consistent daily action.  It’s not working on your goal every now and then, it’s being consistent.  Use the success of others as inspiration to fuel you and motivate you into action.  There is no reason why you can’t achieve their...

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How To React To The Success Of Others

Nov 10, 2022

Comparing your success to others can be triggering.  You can have one of two reactions when you someone shares their success or progress with you.  Let’s take a look at each of these reactions and see how it helps you or hinders you to achieve your own goals.


Success Trigger

The first reaction is to be triggered by another person’s success.  You might feel frustrated, annoyed, bitter, resentful, or that something is wrong with you because you’re not making progress at the same rate as someone else.  You might feel like you’re not doing enough, you’re not far enough along, or that you’re ultimately behind.  You may get jealous, upset, or envious and think that there is less success available for you.  Perhaps you even react by discounting or down playing the success of others because it initially makes you feel better to justify why you haven’t achieved success yet.  You find yourself making excuses...

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