Learning Versus Growing

Nov 16, 2023

Throughout your life, you will encounter many obstacles and challenges.  Each experience will teach you something.  It’s through those experiences that you learn and grow.  But, there is a distinction between learning versus growing.  Here is why you might want to focus on one over the other.



Learning is defined as acquiring knowledge or skills through experience, study, or being taught.  You can quickly get sucked into the learning phase where you continue to consume knowledge and content.  You’re reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts, and learning from mentors who have gone before you.  It feels safe and easy to do.  You might even think you’re making progress towards your goals because you’re increasing your knowledge.  You’re further educating yourself and become proficient in a particular topic.  But, you may not be taking action and implementing what you’re learning.



The real needle mover to achieve your goals is when you learn through experience.  You’re taking action to learn what works and what doesn’t.  It’s not simply hearing about something and acquiring the knowledge.  By taking action, you’re truly in it and doing the work.  This is the fastest way to learn.  Take, for example, learning how to ride a bike.  The only way you’re really going to learn how to ride a bike is if you actually physically try riding a bike!  No amount of reading, videos, audios, or watching someone else can compare to the real experience of doing the work yourself.  Ultimately, the best way to learn is through experience.



Next, growing is defined as developing and expanding by increasing in size or changing physically.  The key word here is expanding.  You’re making progress towards your goals because you’re stepping outside your comfort zone.  Growth happens by taking action.  It’s trying new things that you’ve never done before and risking failure all at the same time.  You’re pushing yourself to expand from what you already know and is comfortable to you.  You’re seeing change and growth.  It’s a longer process and not as easy as simply learning something.  Growth requires more effort but you have a bigger return.  Growing is moving forward and furthering not only your knowledge but your entire life.


Learn & Grow

You still need to learn in order to grow.  Learning helps you acquire the skills and knowledge to be able to grow.  You implement what you learn by putting it into practice so that you can grow.  You can learn little things here and there but real growth doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes time, patience, and consistency by continuing taking action towards your goals, even when times get tough.  You keep pushing forward and don’t give up when times get difficult.  You’re focused on how each challenge will allow you to learn and grow.  There is no need for any fear when you’re excited by how you’ll learn and grow from a challenge.


When you realize that learning and growing go hand in hand, you won’t have to worry about the obstacles or challenges in life.  You know that each one is just part of the journey to achieve your goals.  Growth allows you to expand your life to move yourself forward.  Think about what you need to learn in order to help you get there.  But, don’t get stuck in learning mode.  Instead, learn through experience.  Take action, do the work, and step outside your comfort zone.  You will learn a lot faster this way.  Focus on growing because when you do, you’ll have massive results and achieve big goals in your life.


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