Step Into The Unknown Future

Oct 17, 2024

Often you become so comfortable in your current comfort zone of what’s familiar, stepping outside of that seems scary.  Stepping into the unknown future is uncertain.  You don’t know what you’re going to encounter or how it’s going to turn out.  You only know that it’s very unfamiliar territory and it’s easier just to remain in comfort zone.  However, if you feel like you’re meant for more and want to live life to your full potential, then it’s time to learn how to step into the unknown future.


Door To Your Future

You can either live in your current comfort zone or look forward and envision a future that is different than where you are today.  If you desire something different than what you have right now, then you must make a choice.  You can choose to either stay where you are or open the door into your unknown future.  You might be afraid of opening this door but, what’s waiting for...

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Embracing The Current Version Of You

Oct 10, 2024

There is an old version of you, the current version of you, and the future version of who you will become.  Your life experiences help develop who you are by what you go through.  Challenges and obstacles in life are meant to help you become better than you were yesterday.  But, sometimes you look backwards towards the past and wish you were that previous version of you.  Yet, that’s not possible.  It’s time you find yourself and start embracing the current version of you so that you can look towards the future version of who you’re becoming.


Old You

You may keep trying to move forward by trying to go back.  You want to go back to when things were simpler, easier, and when you didn’t have to try so hard.  This is the you who hadn’t walked through fire yet.  It’s the version of you who feels effortless compared to what you’ve been through since then.  You may think this previous version of...

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Becoming Your Highest Self

Oct 03, 2024

There are times in life when you feel lost.  You’re not sure what direction to go and often times it just feels easier to go back to the good old days.  You’d rather go back to an enjoyable time in the past rather than face the difficult moment you’re currently going through.  However, life is an evolution to help you to learn and grow.  You’ll be faced with many challenges and obstacles along the way.  Each day is getting you closer to becoming your highest self.


Good Old Days

Sometimes you look back on the past and wish you could teleport yourself back to a certain time period.  Maybe it was a memorable life event or just being with someone special that’s not possible anymore.  As Andy Bernard says in the final episode of the Office, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”  Often, you don’t realize those are the good...

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Make Your Own Choices In Life

Sep 26, 2024

You are faced with a lot of choices in your life.  One of those choices is to follow the path of someone else or to go out on your own and carve your own way.  The path that’s already carved out is easier.  You can see where to go.  When you’re carving your own path is difficult.  But, following everyone else isn’t always the best answer.  You might think they must know where to go and the right way on how to get there.  However, following the group can detour you from your goals and what you’re working to achieve even when you least expect it.  It just creeps up on you.  Yet, it’s the choices and small actions you take daily that add up that eventually get you to achieve your goals in life.  You must learn to be confident in yourself enough to make your own choices in life.


Being A Follower

When you are with a group of people, the choices of others can affect you.  Maybe it’s a group...

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Creating Change For Future You

Sep 19, 2024

There is a belief that you can’t change.  You are who you are.  However, you can change your future outcome by the actions you take today.  Perhaps you believe that you’re not a morning person.  However, if you take action to wake up earlier each day, you’re creating change in your life.  It’s not to say that it’s going to be easy or that you’re going to like it.  You’re just working on becoming a better version of yourself through these little daily actions.  The truth is, you can change but only if you’re committed to taking action and sticking to it to make it happen.


Creating Change

Think about your character and who you want to be.  If you don’t like who you are being then you have the power to change through the actions you take.  You will always have deep rooted fears, worries, and doubts that try to keep you as you are.  Yet, if you want to change something about...

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Your Character In Life

Sep 12, 2024

Everyone is unique.  You have your own personal set of characteristics that set you apart from someone else.  No one person is identical.  That’s what makes you special in your own unique way.  Embrace these differences and distinctive qualities that make you – you!  When you know your specific characteristics, you’ll be able to make more informed important life decisions.  Let’s define your character in life.


Your Character

Your character is who you are.  It’s what you stand for in life.  It’s what you want to be known for and how you present yourself.  Maybe you want to be known as kind, caring, smart, reliable, trustworthy, etc.  Determine what your core characteristics are and what’s most important to you.  These characteristics are what you live and die by.  It’s who you are to your core.  You make every decision and judgement based off these...

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The Future You

Sep 05, 2024

The choices and actions you take today are determining your future.  Every step you take is either getting you closer or farther away from your dream life.  You must learn to make better decisions today that will help guide you towards the life of your dreams.  Begin doing things today that your future self will thank you for.  Decide who you need to become in the future in order to start making your goals and dreams a reality.


Your Future

First, get clear on what you want to make happen in the future.  Visualize what you want to your future to look like.  See the places you want to go, things you want to do, goals you want to achieve, etc.  Then, write down your future as if you were writing it into reality so that you’re crystal clear on the future life you want to live.


Future You

Next, envision future you.  This is who you will become in the future.  Perhaps you’re braver, more resilient, courageous,...

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Boat Visualization To Achieve Your Goals

Aug 29, 2024

Visualize you’re the captain of a boat.  The boat symbolizes your life.  This is your life and you get to steer it in the direction you want to go.  You’ll travel through the vast open oceans and small streams.  Each experience is moving closer or father away from your goals.  Use this boat visualization to achieve your goals and traverse the water that is the journey of life.


Boat Visualization

Begin your visualization as you dressed as the captain at the helm of the boat.  Look out into the vast ocean around you.  You can see for miles.  In one direction, you have calm waters and sunny skies.  In the other direction, you see dark clouds, a thunderstorm with rain, and choppy sea waves in the distance.  Sometimes you’ll encounter storms and intense waves that try to bring you under.  But, wild waves and storms are to be expected when you’re working towards achieving your goals.  You’ll...

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Visualizing Your Future History

Aug 22, 2024

In the future, you will look back on your life.  You’ll see the highs and lows, the moments of great happiness and extreme sadness.  There will be many adventures with memories of good and bad times.  But, through it all, it’s brought you to where you are.  It has all become your future history.  Future events eventually become past events.  If you want certain things to happen in your life then you need to start visualizing the future event occurring.  Your future events are much more likely to become a reality when you spend time visualizing your future history.



Start by visualizing what you want to make happen in the future.  Envision the life you want to live.  Think about who you want to spend it with, where you want to go, where you want to be, what you want to do, etc.  Visualize achieving your goals and dreams.  See yourself in the future of where you are, who you’re with, what...

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Your Clear Vision For Your Future

Aug 15, 2024

Sometimes your future can be a bit hazy.  You’re not entirely sure what you want to do.  Maybe you’re only thinking of your short term vision for the next few years.  You might even just be trying to get through today and the current craziness of your life.  Imagining any farther out feels overwhelming.  But, having goals gives your life purpose with something to work towards.  Otherwise, you’re just stuck floating through life without a clear vision of your future.  It’s time to gain some clarity on your future so that you don’t wake up years from now with regrets of what could have happened during the years that passed by.


Dreaming Phase

The first step to gaining clarity on your future vision is to pause, slow down, and be present.  Sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath in and out to settle your thoughts.  Then, allow yourself to dream.  Give yourself the space and freedom to dream...

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