Your Character In Life

Sep 12, 2024

Everyone is unique.  You have your own personal set of characteristics that set you apart from someone else.  No one person is identical.  That’s what makes you special in your own unique way.  Embrace these differences and distinctive qualities that make you – you!  When you know your specific characteristics, you’ll be able to make more informed important life decisions.  Let’s define your character in life.


Your Character

Your character is who you are.  It’s what you stand for in life.  It’s what you want to be known for and how you present yourself.  Maybe you want to be known as kind, caring, smart, reliable, trustworthy, etc.  Determine what your core characteristics are and what’s most important to you.  These characteristics are what you live and die by.  It’s who you are to your core.  You make every decision and judgement based off these...

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The Future You

Sep 05, 2024

The choices and actions you take today are determining your future.  Every step you take is either getting you closer or farther away from your dream life.  You must learn to make better decisions today that will help guide you towards the life of your dreams.  Begin doing things today that your future self will thank you for.  Decide who you need to become in the future in order to start making your goals and dreams a reality.


Your Future

First, get clear on what you want to make happen in the future.  Visualize what you want to your future to look like.  See the places you want to go, things you want to do, goals you want to achieve, etc.  Then, write down your future as if you were writing it into reality so that you’re crystal clear on the future life you want to live.


Future You

Next, envision future you.  This is who you will become in the future.  Perhaps you’re braver, more resilient, courageous,...

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Boat Visualization To Achieve Your Goals

Aug 29, 2024

Visualize you’re the captain of a boat.  The boat symbolizes your life.  This is your life and you get to steer it in the direction you want to go.  You’ll travel through the vast open oceans and small streams.  Each experience is moving closer or father away from your goals.  Use this boat visualization to achieve your goals and traverse the water that is the journey of life.


Boat Visualization

Begin your visualization as you dressed as the captain at the helm of the boat.  Look out into the vast ocean around you.  You can see for miles.  In one direction, you have calm waters and sunny skies.  In the other direction, you see dark clouds, a thunderstorm with rain, and choppy sea waves in the distance.  Sometimes you’ll encounter storms and intense waves that try to bring you under.  But, wild waves and storms are to be expected when you’re working towards achieving your goals.  You’ll...

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Visualizing Your Future History

Aug 22, 2024

In the future, you will look back on your life.  You’ll see the highs and lows, the moments of great happiness and extreme sadness.  There will be many adventures with memories of good and bad times.  But, through it all, it’s brought you to where you are.  It has all become your future history.  Future events eventually become past events.  If you want certain things to happen in your life then you need to start visualizing the future event occurring.  Your future events are much more likely to become a reality when you spend time visualizing your future history.



Start by visualizing what you want to make happen in the future.  Envision the life you want to live.  Think about who you want to spend it with, where you want to go, where you want to be, what you want to do, etc.  Visualize achieving your goals and dreams.  See yourself in the future of where you are, who you’re with, what...

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Your Clear Vision For Your Future

Aug 15, 2024

Sometimes your future can be a bit hazy.  You’re not entirely sure what you want to do.  Maybe you’re only thinking of your short term vision for the next few years.  You might even just be trying to get through today and the current craziness of your life.  Imagining any farther out feels overwhelming.  But, having goals gives your life purpose with something to work towards.  Otherwise, you’re just stuck floating through life without a clear vision of your future.  It’s time to gain some clarity on your future so that you don’t wake up years from now with regrets of what could have happened during the years that passed by.


Dreaming Phase

The first step to gaining clarity on your future vision is to pause, slow down, and be present.  Sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath in and out to settle your thoughts.  Then, allow yourself to dream.  Give yourself the space and freedom to dream...

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Changing Course To Your Future Dream Life

Aug 08, 2024

If you feel like you’re heading down the wrong path or you’re just not quite happy with where your life is currently, then it’s time to change directions.  You can choose to change course and steer yourself in another direction.  You do not have to continue down your current path.  But, the choices and actions you take today will determine your future.  It’s time to get clear on the future you want to be living, create an action plan to achieve it, and take action to make it happen!


Future Clarity

First, get super clear on where you want to be the future so that you start making the right decisions today to help you get there.  The choices and actions you take today lead you down a certain path.  If you have no idea where you’re headed then you’ll just continue to flounder without making any progress towards your dream life.  Begin to envision your dream future.  Write it down and be specific as to...

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How To Create Positive Change In Your Life

Aug 01, 2024

If you want to make positive change in your life, it’s up to you to recognize when to do so.  The universe may throw you a small pebble to get you to notice that something isn’t working.  A rock or even a larger bolder could be placed in your path until the issue receives your full attention.  This could be a medical emergency or just a massive challenge that throws your life for a loop.  Often times, you wait until it’s too late and the bolder has already impacted your life.  It’s time to start noticing the small pebbles and acknowledge when something is off or doesn’t feel right in your life so that you can create positive change and improve your life for the better.


What’s Not Working

Start by tuning with how you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Determine which area of your life is struggling or just simply not how you want to feel.  Maybe an area of your life feels heavy, stressful, or...

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Embracing Change In Your Life

Jul 25, 2024

Heraclitus said the only constant in life is change.  But, if you’re adverse to change, you’ll do anything you can to avoid it.  You’ll do things to remain in your current comfort zone of what you already know to be safe.  You’ll even talk yourself out of going after your goals and dreams in life because it would require change.  Change is scary.  Yet, it’s also scary to think about life if nothing were to change.


Nothing Changes

If nothing were to change, life would be dull and stagnant.  It’s like watching a movie without any exciting scenes.  It would be boring and you’d eventually get up and leave.  Change needs to happen in your life.  Without change, you’re not learning and growing.  You’re content with where you are, simply floating through life’s daily mundane routines.  You’re not working towards a goal to better yourself and your current...

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Creating Positive Change In Your Life

Jul 18, 2024

Challenging your inner limiting beliefs can be a difficult task.  First, you have to realize what limiting beliefs you have and then you have to be willing to change them.  Change is scary because it’s outside of your comfort zone of what you already know to be safe and true.  Taking the brave risk to step into the unknown outside your comfort zone usually only happens when you can no longer stand to continue living as you currently are.  As Tony Robbins says, change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.  Creating positive change in your life is how you achieve your goals and live life to the fullest.


Life Assessment

Begin by asking yourself if you’re comfortable with where you currently are.  Evaluate all areas of your life and give each one a score from one to ten.  Rate each of the following areas from your metal well being, physical health, environment, finances, career, hobbies, to...

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Changing Your Goal Limiting Beliefs And Stories

Jul 11, 2024

There are limiting beliefs that are holding you back from going after your goals and dreams in life.  This can be from other people who told you reasons why you can’t do something or previous experiences that cause you to be fearful of taking action towards your dreams.  Either way, you have formed stories in your mind of what you believe to be true about life.  These thoughts, beliefs, and stories can hold you back from taking action to achieve your goals and prevent you from ultimately living life to your full potential.


Childhood Beliefs

Most of these stories were created during your childhood.  Think back to when you were little.  You were brave, courageous, and ready to go explore all that life had to offer.  You hadn’t formed beliefs around why you couldn’t or shouldn’t do something.  You were just curious enough to try.  But, then you put your hand on the hot stove and learned that wasn’t such a...

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