Changes To Your Plan

Jul 13, 2023

Planning your week gives you a sense of structure, organization, and a clear picture of what you need to get accomplished.  You can plan your appointments, tasks, things to do, errands to run, and your daily schedule of time commitments.  You can visually see what you need to do each day.  This helps you stay focused and on track to achieve your goals.  However, things can happen that interrupt your schedule and plan.  The key here is to know when it’s okay to veer from your plan and when you need to stick with it.  Here is what you need to know about making changes to your plan.


Unexpected Changes

You might be afraid to plan your week because you know how unexpectedly things can change.  Maybe there is an emergency or you’re spontaneously offered the opportunity to hang out with friends.  Plans can change.  There has to be a certain level of flexibility to your planning.  Planning is not a ridged be all end all...

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How To Set And Stick To Your Boundaries

Jul 06, 2023

If you’ve been feeling drained because you have too much to do, then it’s time to set some new boundaries.  You may be overcommitting yourself but also taking on too much personal baggage from other people.  This can leave you feeling depleted.  You don’t have enough time to focus on your own tasks, let alone take on someone else’s.  Setting boundaries is one of the best ways to stay focused on your goals.  You know what you will and will not do.  It’s not an easy process and it can be difficult to stick to when others challenge your boundaries.  However, having boundaries allows you to stay focused on what truly matters most to you.  Here is how to set clear boundaries and stick to them!


Set Your Boundaries

The first step is to examine your life and notice where your boundaries are lacking.  You may need to set physical boundaries around your personal space.  Emotional or mental boundaries...

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How To Say No To Tasks

Jun 29, 2023

You may have a hard time saying no.  As a result, you say yes too often and fulfill too many demands until you hit a breaking point.  This may look like getting angry or frustrated.  Afterward, you feel guilty and ashamed for being upset.  So, you push away your own goals and go back to putting the needs of others ahead of your own.  This often leads to resentment that your own goals and needs are not being fulfilled.  If that’s the case, you need to set some clear boundaries.  Learn how to say no to tasks that take you away from achieving your goals.


Loose Boundaries

Loose boundaries look like a people pleaser who defines your own self worth by the opinions of other people.  You have an inability to say “no” when someone asks something of you.  You’re often seen as the fixer, helper, or rescuer who is on speed dial at all times as the solution to other people’s problems.  When this happens,...

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Ask For Help And Delegate

Jun 22, 2023

It can be hard to ask for help sometimes.  You might think that you should be able to figure things out on your own, you don’t need help.  It can feel embarrassing to ask for help when you think you should be able to do everything yourself.  But, if you find that you’re beating yourself up because you’re not able to come up with the solutions.  Or, you’re feeling overwhelmed and you’re just not able to get everything done in a reasonable amount of time, then asking for help may be your solution. 


Asking For Help

There are many benefits to asking for help.  The first is simply getting a new set of eyes on things can give you a new perspective.  You may have just been too close to situation to see the solution yourself.  Sometimes things become too much of a burden to carry alone.  Often your schedule is inundated with tasks and you just can’t fit everything in.  Asking someone else to help...

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Three Steps To Avoid Burn Out

Jun 15, 2023

You know those mornings when you don’t want to wake up and staying in your nice warm, cozy bed sounds so much better than squeezing in your workout or getting ready for the day?  You just want a few more minutes to savor the peace and quiet before the start of a hectic day.  The demands of everyone else constantly pull at you throughout the day which leaves you feeling drained, exhausted, and tried by the afternoon.  If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed to where you can’t do any more, then it’s time to pause and reevaluate because you’re on the road to burn out.  Here are three steps to avoid burn out.



The first step is to make a list of all the things that you need to get done and just keep writing.  Getting everything out of your head and down on paper so your mind will stop stressing out about forgetting something.  You don’t have to get all of these things done in one day.  Take a look at your...

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Reduce Your Schedule Overwhelm

Jun 08, 2023

Life can feel overwhelming at times.  Maybe you took on too much or you have unrealistic expectations as to how things should be going.  You might feel behind and that there’s just too much to do.  Perhaps you’re not taking the time to efficiently plan out your day.  All of these things can make you feel drained mentally, emotionally, and physically.  Here is how to reduce your overwhelm when it comes to planning out your day.


Burn Out

Taking on too much work can not only lead to feeling overwhelmed but also cause you to burn out.  When you’re going non-stop, you’re going to hit a wall at some point.  You can’t keep going a million miles an hour forever.  You have to take care of yourself and the first sign of doing too much is that feeling over overwhelm.  Avoid burn out by looking at your list of things to do.  Try and eliminate tasks that are not absolutely crucial to getting done. ...

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Establishing Your Priorities In Life

Jun 01, 2023

When you have too much going on, life can feel really overwhelming.  You may be wondering if you’ll ever catch up.  Even if you take a moment to pause, you’ll be behind.  There is no time to stop.  But, this mentality isn’t allowing you to fully experience life.  You’re not able to be present and see the little moments in life that truly matter.  Focusing on work and all your to do is not what ultimately fills your cup at the end of the day.  It’s being with ones you love and making memories that last a lifetime.  You have to learn to prioritize your time so that you’re fully experiencing life.



The first step is to recognize your priorities in life.  When you know what’s most important to you, you’ll make that your priority.  Nothing will get in the way of that time.  Take time to acknowledge what your priorities are in life.  Maybe that’s...

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How To Take A Break And Gain A Fresh Perspective

May 25, 2023

Sometimes you need to clear your head in order to gain a fresh perspective on things.  Maybe you’re struggling with a difficult decision or a task that is just taking longer than it should.  Achieving your goals is not easy.  You’ll constantly encounter challenges and obstacles.  Sometimes you need to take a break, step away, gather your thoughts, and come back with a clear head to find a solution.  The answer was probably staring at you all along, but you were just too close to it to see.  Mental overload happens.  Especially when you’re feeling the pressure of working to achieve a goal that means so much to you.  Occasionally you need to hit the reset button and the answers will be revealed.  Here are five ways you can take a break to gain a fresh perspective on how to achieve your goal.


Do Something Different

Start by getting out of your normal daily routine.  Do something different and switch...

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How To Not Be Afraid Of Picking A Direction In Life

May 18, 2023

Life doesn’t always unfold the way you would like it go.  Sometimes you encounter unforeseen obstacles and challenges that are put in your path.  You may get frustrated, angry, sad, or upset.  But, these challenges are only meant to teach you something.  Each challenge has been placed before you for a reason.  You’ve made to a point in your life where you can overcome this obstacle.  You have all the tools you need within you.  When you do, you’ll be so much stronger and have more confidence in yourself.  Here’s how to not be afraid of picking a direction in life so that you can achieve your goals and dreams.


Pick A Direction

Each step you take on your life path is moving you in a particular direction.  Each obstacle you encounter sends you off in a new direction.  Think about your past and how your life would look drastically different right now if you would have chosen another direction. ...

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Creating Trust Through Action

May 11, 2023

Achieving your goals is not an easy feat.  It takes a lot of hard work and persistence.  Sometimes you’re unsure if you’ll actually achieve your goal and even how you’ll attempt to get there.  But, there’s something that helps you keep moving forward.  That is trust.  Trusting you’ll be able to figure it out and achieve your goal.  You create trust through action.



In order to achieve your goal, you would prefer the least amount of challenges and surprises.  No one really wants to sign up for the most challenging, arduous journey in life.  In fact, you’d probably opt out if you knew what it was really going to take to achieve your goals.  If you could see into the future and everything that was going to be required of you to achieve your goal, you might not even attempt to achieve it.  Since you can’t see into the future, surprises and unexpected challenges are to be...

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