Four Steps To Create A New Habit

Oct 08, 2020

You have many habits.  Habits of eating your favorite foods, taking certain roads to the store, to self care habits.  Some may be healthy habits and some may be not so healthy habits.  Either way, habits are part of your daily life.  If you’re wanting to create a new habit then use these four steps to create a new habit in your life.



The first thing you need in order to create a new habit is to have a trigger.  This is what will trigger you to take the action of the new habit you want to create.  The easiest way to pick a trigger is to choose a habit that you already do on a daily basis.  Such as, brushing your teeth, having your morning coffee, etc.  Choose an already existing habit that you have and use this as your trigger.  For example, if you want to make exercising your daily habit then place your running shoes in on your bathroom sink so that you’ll put them on before you brush your teeth. ...

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How To Create Happiness In Your Day

Oct 01, 2020

Life feels good when you’re happy.  In order to create happiness in your day, it’s important to set aside specific time dedicated to doing things that will promote positivity and happiness in your life.  This means scheduling and planning out activities that make you happy throughout the day.  Your day should have a few elements carved into your schedule that focus on positivity and happiness.  Here are three elements you should include to create happiness in your day.


Down Time

First, schedule in some down time for yourself.  You need your own space to get away, escape, and relax.  This helps you reduce stress and gives you essential time to recharge.  This is time you’ve designated for a mental reset so that you can get your mind back into a positive state.  Use this time to let go of anything bothering you, stressing you out, or causing negative thoughts.  This time is meant for pure relaxation.  Sit in...

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The Security Of Your Comfort Zone

Sep 24, 2020

Your comfort zone is what you’re used to.  It’s the normal day to day activities where you know exactly what to expect.  There is little uncertainty in your life when you’re in your comfort zone.  However, the security of your comfort zone is preventing you from living your dream life.  You remain stuck in your mundane daily routine with little change or growth.  The days go by and soon a year has passed and nothing has changed.  Learn to step outside the security of your comfort zone so that you can finally live life to the fullest.


Security Blanket

As a child you may have had a security blanket.  A nice warm blanket that would keep you safe from the boogey man and any other childhood fears.  As adults, you create your own security blanket with invisible lines that you draw in your mind of what is safe and what’s not.  This is your comfort zone.  Your ego knows not to let you step outside the security...

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Four Questions To Help You Live A Better Life

Sep 17, 2020

You want to live your best life.  But, something may be feeling a bit off for you.  The following four questions will help you figure out what you need to address so that you can live your best life.  Get out a pen and a piece of paper to write down your responses to these four questions.  You may also find it easier to use a word document on your computer or the notes app on your phone.  Choose which ever method works best for you.  Just know that seeing your answers written down will give you so much more clarity than simply answering these questions quickly in your head.  Set aside the time to answer these four questions to help you live a better life.


What do you feel like is missing?

Take a look at your life and contemplate what is missing.  Think about what you believe is not there, but if it were, you’d feel happier about life.  This could be something in your environment.  Such as physical things, like a house,...

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Dreaming Of Waiting For Retirement

Sep 10, 2020

You often have this idea of a life path.  You go through school, graduate, get a great job, get married, buy a house, start a family, and eventually retire.  Retirement is almost like the light at the end of the tunnel.  It’s what you work so hard to achieve.  Because you believe that when you get there, that is when you can actually start living.  You can finally take action on the dreams you’ve had.  Over the years you’ve kept your head down, worked hard, and did what you’re supposed to do.  Now it’s your turn to enjoy life and do things on your terms in retirement.  However, if you’re waiting for retirement to do the things you’ve always wanted to do, it may just be too late.  The life path has lied to you because the best advice is to start living your dreams now rather than waiting for retirement.  Otherwise, your dreams will simply remain dreams and end up collecting dust.



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Three Excuses Holding You Back From Achieving Your Goals

Sep 03, 2020

There are three main areas in your life that are holding you back from taking action and going after your dreams.  You may have this inkling of an idea but push it down because of three little excuses that get in the way.  Your ideas and dreams never see the light of day because you can’t overcome these three excuses.  It’s time to bust through those excuses and start living your dream life.  Here are the three excuses holding you back from achieving your goals.


Amount Of Time

The first excuse is time.  You believe you just don’t have enough time to get done what you need to.  You think that your goals will require too much time right now and you just don’t have the time to make it happen.  However, if this goal is important enough to you, you will make the time.  Think about those times in your life when you had a crucial deadline to get something done.  But, you wanted to go out and do something fun. ...

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Your Purpose In Life

Aug 27, 2020

Your purpose is what you’re here on earth to do.  It’s the reason you wake up in the morning.  Your purpose gives your life meaning.  It gives you something to look forward to.  If you’re struggling to find your purpose in life, you may just be too close to it to realize what it is.  You have both an internal and external purpose in life.  Here is how you find your purpose in your life.


External Purpose

You have an external purpose in life.  Your external purpose is how you can help others.  It’s how you can improve someone else’s life.  You’ve been through a lot of experiences in your lifetime.  It’s taking what you’ve been though and figuring out how you can use that expertise to help others through that same experience quicker and easier.  As you gain more knowledge, you can turn around and teach these tactics to other people.  You can help others avoid pitfalls and...

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Three Areas Holding You Back From Becoming Your Ideal Future Self

Aug 20, 2020

Your future self is the a more experienced version of your current self.  Your future self does not let fear hold her back.  She is brave, confident, and beautiful.  Remember, you are her.  Deep down you already have these traits within you.  However, limiting beliefs are holding you back from fully stepping into this ideal future self.  Your limiting beliefs keep you playing small and don’t allow you to live life to the fullest.  These limiting beliefs are the fears that are preventing you from living life to your true potential.  It’s time to identify those limiting beliefs with three areas holding you back from becoming your ideal future self.


Other People

Your future self goes after her dreams unapologetically.  But, your current self is afraid.  You’re afraid what other people will think of you if you try and fail.  Most of all, you’re afraid of what dreaming big and failing will mean about...

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How To Step Into Becoming Your Future Self

Aug 13, 2020

If you’re feeling stuck in your current situation, then there is one way that you can pull yourself out of that feeling.  That is, to think about the future you want to create.  More specifically, envision the person you have become in the future.  This is the future version of yourself that you were born to be on this planet.  Your future self is living life to the fullest without any regrets.  It’s who you are meant to be.  Here are five ways on how to step into becoming your future self.



Everything begins with your thoughts.  It’s time to let go of the negative thinking and focus on positive thoughts about your future.  Think about what thoughts your future self would have.  Imagine what exactly you would be thinking about in the future.  Currently, you might be concerned with little mundane worries that are consuming your thoughts right now.  However, your future self may have bigger thoughts...

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Four Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Success

Aug 06, 2020

If you haven’t achieved the level of success you want in life, then there is something holding you back.  This usually boils down to a few limiting beliefs that you’ve formed in your mind.  These limiting beliefs are preventing you from achieving your goals and living your dream life.  In order to overcome your limiting beliefs, you first have to recognize what they are.  Address these four limiting beliefs holding you back from success so that you can start achieving your goals and live your dream life.



The first limiting belief is that you have to feel motivated in order to take action on your goals.  That belief just isn’t realistic.  It can be difficult to find the motivation to do tasks related to achieving your goals.  Especially when these tasks are hard.  It’s much easier to procrastinate and push challenging tasks off until later.  But, that doesn’t get you any closer to your...

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