Your Focus And Attention

Nov 30, 2023

As you head into the last month of the year, it’s important to assess what you’re focusing on.  Perhaps you’re focused on your lack of progress or all the things that didn’t work out this year.  Maybe your attention is on other areas of your life that have become a priority so your goals have moved to the back burner.  In any case, it’s time to take a really good look at where your attention is right now because what you’re focused on is what you will attract more of.  If you’re focused on all the bad and negative things in your life, you’ll only invite more of that in.  Instead, focus your attention on your future possibilities and what you want to accomplish before this year is over.


Don’t Have

The first step is to stop focusing on what you don’t have.  Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time, money, or resources to turn your dreams into a reality right now.  However,...

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Thankful For How Far You Have Come In Life

Nov 23, 2023

Often times you don’t take time to truly appreciate just how far you’ve come in your life.  You’re too worried thinking about the future and what’s coming next.  You could even possibly be dwelling on the past and what could have or should have been.  Either way, it’s time to pause and be grateful for where you are.  No matter if you’re feeling too far behind and achieving your goals is just not happening fast enough for you.  It’s time to be thankful for how far you have come in your life.


Previous You

Begin by looking a back at where you originally started.  Go back in time to when you very first started working on your goals and dreams.  Time travel back to that moment in time.  Visualize the previous version of you.  See what you were doing and recall how you were feeling.  Maybe you were scared, nervous, excited, etc.  The world was full of possibilities back then and it...

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Learning Versus Growing

Nov 16, 2023

Throughout your life, you will encounter many obstacles and challenges.  Each experience will teach you something.  It’s through those experiences that you learn and grow.  But, there is a distinction between learning versus growing.  Here is why you might want to focus on one over the other.



Learning is defined as acquiring knowledge or skills through experience, study, or being taught.  You can quickly get sucked into the learning phase where you continue to consume knowledge and content.  You’re reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts, and learning from mentors who have gone before you.  It feels safe and easy to do.  You might even think you’re making progress towards your goals because you’re increasing your knowledge.  You’re further educating yourself and become proficient in a particular topic.  But, you may not be taking action and implementing what you’re...

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Trusting Achieving Your Goal Will Happen

Nov 09, 2023

When you’re working to achieve your goals you’re often hit with self doubt, fear, and worry.  This happens when you’re triggered by other people who seem to have achieved amazing things.  You feel left out, far behind, and sad that you’re not where you’d like to be.  It is said that comparison is the thief of joy.  Think about how you’d feel if you let go of these negative feelings and instead embraced the feeling of joy knowing that you’re on the journey to achieving something great in your life.



Achieving your goals usually doesn’t happen on your own timeline.  You’ll encounter set backs, challenges, and obstacles that hinder your progress and steer you in other directions.  But, eventually you’ll get to where you’re going.  Just not as quickly as you’d like.  It’s in these moments that your faith, belief, and trust are truly tested.  Your...

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Your Evolution In Life

Nov 02, 2023

Your evolution is your cumulative change over the years.  Every day you’re gathering information through new experiences that helps you to learn and grow over time.  You’re evolving.  You’re not the same person you were five or ten years ago.  All because of different experiences that may have been challenging or even life changing.  As you evolve, your priorities shift and your goals may change.


Life Assessment

Start by completing an assessment of how you’re feeling in your life right now.  Check in with yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally to really see how you’re doing.  Determine what feels good and what feels not quite right.  Maybe you’re feeling unmotivated and you’re not making much progress towards your goals in life.  Perhaps you’re lacking inspiration to take action towards some important life goals.  Determine if you can pinpoint a certain area of your life...

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Your Life And What You Make Of It

Oct 26, 2023

Your life is made up of three parts, which include seasons, chapters, and eras.  Each one has a different duration.  Some are longer and more difficult than others.  Your level of control in each one also varies.  But, it’s what you decide to do with your choices and actions in life that truly matter.  This your life and what you make of it. 



First, are the seasons of your life.  Seasons can change relatively quickly.  Almost every three months or quarterly.  When you’re in a season, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you know you’re going to make it out the other side.  You know you’re only in this for a short period of time before the season changes.  Seasons are made up of challenges and experiences in your life of what you’re going through in this moment.  Once you get through that, you’ll be on to your next season of life.  You don’t have...

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Making A Wrong Decision

Oct 19, 2023

There are so many decisions you have to make on a daily basis.  You can’t expect every single one of them to be all correct or perfect.  You just have to make the best decisions with where you’re at and what information you currently have.  The biggest struggle is making a decision from your head or your heart and having to change directions when you realize you’ve made a wrong decision.


Major And Minor Decisions

Some decisions in life are small like what to have for dinner, while others are major life decisions that can change the trajectory of your life.  Such as, a new job, moving, or getting married.  Making a poor choice with a small decision is easier to bounce back from.  For example, you can choose to eat a healthier meal the next time around.  Major life decisions take more work and you can easily become stuck in analysis paralysis.  This can prevent you from ever making a decision in the first place because...

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Making Decisions To Achieve Your Goals

Oct 12, 2023

Making decisions is constant part of life.  It is estimated that you make over 35,000 decisions each day.  That can feel overwhelming at times and you might even shut down saying you’ve made enough decisions for the day.  But, you’ll have to make a decision.  Perhaps you struggle to make sure it’s the “right” decision or wonder if something else would be better.  Making decisions will always be there.  You can decide to stay where you are or go after your goals and dreams in life.



Making decisions is not easy.  You may play it out like a chess game in your head, thinking if you do this and then this happens to try to plan out the best moves to make.  You want to see what’s coming.  Yet, you can only see so far ahead.  Sometimes you just have to take the leap and trust that you’ll be able to figure it out.  In fact, you’ve figured it out this far in life. ...

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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs To Achieve Your Goals

Oct 05, 2023

If you fast forward into the future to your 90 year old self, would you regret not going after your goals and dreams in life?  There are so many unrealized goals and dreams that are never achieved because of fear.  The fear of making a mistake, getting it wrong, looking silly, needing more expertise, not being the right time, etc.  It’s almost as if you believe that there will be a light bulb that goes off saying now is the perfect opportunity for you to go after your goals and dreams.  Yet, that never happens.  Instead, your goals and dreams fall to the back burner and just collect dust.  However, you can turn your dreams into reality by overcoming the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you stuck.


Journal Your Goals And Dreams

The first step is to journal all of your thoughts about your goals and dreams.  Think about everything you want to achieve in your lifetime.  Don’t sensor yourself and put...

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The Willingness To Create Change Within You

Sep 28, 2023

If you’ve found yourself on a constant hamster wheel of doing the same thing, then it’s time to make some changes.  It’s for your own good.  You can’t keep doing the same things you’ve always done and expect a different result.  That is the definition of insanity.  If you want to achieve big goals and dreams in your life then you’re going to have to do some things differently.  Otherwise, you would have achieved all your goals and dreams already.  To live life to your full potential, you have to have the willingness to create change within you, no matter how difficult that is.


Comfort Zone

Stepping outside your comfort zone and doing things that you’ve never done before can be scary.  But, that’s the only way you’re going to achieve your goals and dreams.  It’s the game of life and you’re playing to win!  You want to experience amazing things in your lifetime but...

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