How You Pursue Your Goals

May 30, 2024

There are four types of people when it comes to working to achieve goals.  This dictates how you view your dreams and new opportunities in your life.  It’s also how you take action towards those dreams and how you take on challenges.  Learn which type you are by how you pursue your goals so that you can achieve your dreams in life.



The first type is a dreamer.  You’re a dreamer if you rarely take action towards your goal.  It could be fear, worry, or doubt that keeps you stuck.  You would rather stay safe in your comfort zone and only dream about future possibilities.  You keep your head up in the clouds with no intention of acting on your dreams because you do not like opposition and challenges.  You’re too afraid, scared, and that fear will always hold you back from going after your goals.  A dreamer can visualize what’s possible but never takes action.  Therefore, you don’t have to...

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Time To Get In The Game

May 23, 2024

Your goals and dreams will never be achieved if you don’t take action.  You can remain stuck, simply dreaming about what you want to achieve or you can get yourself in the game and start taking action.  It can be scary to get in the game because it’s outside of your comfort zone and going into the wild unknown.  But, it can be so worth it!  Imagine what you could and would achieve if you just took action towards your dreams in life.  It’s time to get in the game and finally achieve the goals that have been on your heart.



Right now you’re probably on the sidelines.  You’re not in the game.  You’re just watching the game happen from the safety of the sidelines.  You’re cheering others on and avoiding any obstacles that could possibly arise if you were to get in the game.  Maybe you don’t like challenges.  Perhaps you’re afraid of getting hurt.  There are many...

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Negative Thoughts Are Limiting What You Can Achieve

May 16, 2024

There are times when you find yourself dwelling on negative experiences in your past of all the things that didn’t work out or go your way.  You might be in a place right now where you feel like nothing is working in your favor and life is conspiring against you.  But, you’re at a point where you’ve had enough.  It’s time to take back your power and find that positive headspace again so that you can confidently go after your goals in life.  Learn to let go of the negative thoughts that are limiting what you can achieve in your lifetime.


Your Past

You’ve formed beliefs about the world because of your past experiences.  Perhaps you assume the worst and dwell on the past.  You believe that just because a terrible thing happened once, you think that’s what will always happen.  Begin to notice if your mind is thinking in absolutes by using the terms everything, never, and always.  Such as, life never goes...

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What Is Holding You Back From Taking Action

May 09, 2024

If you’re not taking action towards your goals then something is holding you back.  It usually boils down to some form of fear, worry, or doubt.  All of these amount to the unknown of what might happen in the future.  Yet, by not taking action, there is also the unknown of never finding out if you can achieve your goals.  Your options are to remain stuck right where you are in your current comfort zone or embrace the unknown and take action towards the life of your dreams.  Choose the latter.  Don’t get to the end of your life with regrets and always wonder what could have or should have been if you would have just mustered up the courage to take action towards your goals.  Let’s get into action!


Emotional Feelings

Begin by asking yourself where is the fear, worry, and doubt going to get you in your life.  Consider if it’s going to help you or hinder you from achieving your goals.  Then, recognize how these...

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How To Act With Confidence Today

May 02, 2024

Confidence is one of the biggest personality traits that can help you achieve your goals.  When you lack confidence, you don’t believe in yourself or your goals so they remain unachieved.  However, when you do have confidence, you take bold action towards achieving your goals.  You must learn to act with confidence.


Confident Energy

When you have confidence, your posture even changes where you stand up straight and speak in a confident tone.  Other people can sense your confidence or your lack thereof.  If you’re not confident then other people can feel that nervous disbelief within you.  It makes them question your competence, skills, and capability.  No one wants that.  This is why it’s important to tune into how you’re feeling in regards to your confidence level.  If you’re not feeling confident, then there are some things you can do to give yourself an extra boost of confidence.


Boost Your...

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How To Be Secure In Who You Are

Apr 25, 2024

The more insecure you are, the more other people’s opinions will matter to you.  Being insecure means looking to another person to confirm what you already believe to be true about yourself.  Learn to be secure in who you are.  Take back your power.  No matter what anyone else says or does, have the self confidence to believe in yourself.  Your voice and your opinion are what’s important.  Another person’s opinion has no bearing on who you are or what you’re capable of achieving in your life.


Negative Comment

There are always going to be people who make negative comments about you or what you’re doing.  However, you have the power to decide how you respond.  You can choose to take the feedback as constructive criticism and look for ways to improve.  Or, you can decide not to pay any mind to the negative comments and you chalk it up to, it is more about them than it is about you.  Honestly, it...

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Realize Your Worth To Achieve Your Goals

Apr 18, 2024

When you’re working to achieve your goals, there is a level of self confidence that you need.  You need to believe in yourself that you can achieve the goal that you’ve set.  There are many challenges that will try and persuade you to believe otherwise.  But, it’s that inner self confidence that will help you to push through and believe in yourself.  You develop self confidence by taking action to gain new knowledge and expertise that helps you overcome obstacles in the future.  Self confidence can also be strengthened when you invest in yourself and recognize your true worth.  Knowing your worth will not only boost your confidence, it will also empower you to go after your goals and dreams in life.


Your Worth

Your worth and what you bring to this world is important.  If you’re quick to dismiss yourself and your value, then it’s time to work on yourself.  Putting yourself down only lessens your self...

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Having Self Confidence To Go After Your Goals

Apr 11, 2024

The definition of self confidence is trusting your ability and judgement in life.  There are fears, worries, and doubts that challenge your self confidence.  Perhaps you’ve failed before and you don’t want to look silly.  You don’t want to experience this again so you hold yourself back from going after your goals and dreams in life.  You remain in your comfort zone of what you already know to be safe.  It’s time you find your own self confidence so that you can step outside your comfort zone, take a few risks, and move boldly in the direction of your goals.


Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is also the fear of judgement by worrying what other people will think of you because you’ve failed.  Deep down you worry that it will only confirm what you already think to be true about yourself.  Perhaps you believe you’re a failure, unworthy, not smart enough, a disaster, or incapable of achieving success. ...

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Building Resilience To Achieve Your Goals

Apr 04, 2024

The definition of resilience is being able to move through and grow from difficult times.  You’re going to experience a lot of difficult times when you’re working to achieve your goals.  There will be obstacles, setbacks, and missteps that make you fall down and challenge your resolve to achieve your goal.  But, this is where having resilience comes in.  Having resilience is what’s going to help you continue taking action through those difficult times.


Figure It Out

The path to achieve your goal will not always go as you had hoped or planned.  You won’t always have the answer or know the perfect right next step to achieve your goal.  However, when you have resilience, you know you’ll be able to figure things out as you go.  That’s why you must continuing building resilience so that you strengthen your inner belief that you’ll be able to figure out how to achieve your goals in life.


Lessons To...

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Fall Down To Rise Up And Achieve Your Goals

Mar 28, 2024

Life is full of ups and downs.  There are steep mountains to climb and deep, low valleys to traverse.  The journey can be long and arduous but it’s worth it if it means you’ll achieve your goals.  However, if you’re avoiding risks and taking the easy route, you won’t get you to where you want to be in life.  You’re going to have to fall down, rise back up, and keep trying if you want to achieve your goals.


Your Thoughts

Going on this journey is not easy.  Especially when the overwhelming thoughts of self doubt, fear, and worry quickly creep in to bombard you.  You question if you should leap and go after your goals or not.  You ponder staying the course or change directions.  You wonder if you dare to take action or play it safe by remaining in your comfort zone.  You get lost in the abyss of these thoughts and you begin making excuses as to why you’re not taking action towards your goals. ...

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