How To Turn Your Dream Into Reality

Apr 21, 2022

Often you dream about something you want to achieve and it just remains a dream.  Maybe it’s because it seems too far fetched, that it’s not possible or that it requires too much time and effort.  Either way, your dream sits on the sidelines, gathering dust, never to be realized.  But no more!  It’s time to turn your dream into reality!  Here are five steps on how to turn your dream into reality.


Get Clear On Your Dream

First, take time to fully flesh out your dream.  Close your eyes, allow your mind to wander, and dream.  Tune into your soul and what you want.  Visualize your future and what you want to make happen.  Make this visualization vividly clear on what exactly it is that you want to achieve.  Be specific so that you know without a shadow of a doubt what your dream consists of.  Define why this dream is important to you and what it will mean for you to achieve it.  Deeply connect with...

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Are You Dreaming Big Enough?

Apr 14, 2022

Big dreams are scary because you don’t know what will be required of you to make it happen.  Your inner critic speaks up and starts giving you all the reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t go after a big dream.  This leaves you with either small dreams that are easily achieved or worse yet, leaving your dreams on the sidelines collecting dust because you’re too afraid to go for it.  Here is how to know if you are dreaming big enough.



If you can easily achieve your dream with little to no effort, then you’re not dreaming big enough.  Big dreams require a lot of time and attention.  It requires a lot of work on your part.  It’s not accomplished in an hour or a day.  It takes much longer.  The finish line of achieving your dream is often so far out in the distance that it can be hard to see.  For that reason, it can be difficult to stay motivated when you aren’t super close to making it...

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Five Lessons To Help You Achieve Your Goal

Apr 07, 2022

It takes a lot of effort and hard work to achieve your goal.  Along the way, you’ll learn a few things.  Each lesson you learn will help you to improve and achieve your goal in the future.  Here are five lessons to help you achieve your goal.


Keep Taking Action

First, take one small action step towards achieving your goal each day.  Sometimes that action makes you take a step backwards and that’s okay.  It happens.  But, you can’t get down on yourself when it does.  If you do, you’ll just remain stuck and stop taking action all together.  Instead, keep putting one foot in front of the other and eventually you’ll get there.


Stay Focused

Next, stay focused.  It’s important to keep your head down and put blinders on.  Stop worrying about what other people are doing or what they think because it doesn’t matter.  What matters is where you are and what you’re doing. ...

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How To Use A To Do List To Achieve Your Goals

Mar 31, 2022

Making a daily to do list helps you stay organized and on track.  You feel a sigh of relief when you can get everything out of your head and down on paper.  Your mind stops stressing about trying to remember everything.  But, if you’re just taking action on the simple, easy tasks that you’ve written down, you might not be making much progress towards achieving your goals.  Here is how to use a to do list to achieve your goals.


Make A List

First, write down everything you need to do in order to achieve your goal.  Make an exhaustive list.  You probably won’t have everything you need written down because the path to achieving your goals often changes.  Make your list based off of what you know and can think of right now.  Don’t edit your list, just create a list of tasks that you think need to be accomplished.  Include things to research, items to buy, tasks to complete, maybe you need to ask for help,...

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Four Steps To Reconnect To Your Dreams

Mar 24, 2022

Life gets busy and you get so caught up the day to day that you forget about your dreams.  Maybe you’re feeling frustrated, unmotivated, and uninspired at the moment.  Or, perhaps you’ve just been too busy to put much focus on the big dreams you have for your life.  But, this is how your dreams become forgotten and never achieved.  No more!  It’s time to reignite your excitement for your dreams again.  Here are four steps to reconnect to your dreams.


Set A Dreaming Date

First, set a dreaming date.  Choose a location that allows you dream and be in the silent stillness.  Pick a place where you have peace and quiet that will allow you to dream without distractions.  Think of somewhere that inspires you, where you can be alone with your thoughts.  That might sound scary, but that’s the perfect spot to fully let go of all your current stresses and just allow yourself to dream.  Find a spot that allows...

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How To Become Curious About Your Success

Mar 17, 2022

Often you become swept up in the fear, worry, and self doubt when you’re trying to achieve your goals.  It almost consumes your thoughts.  You begin to wonder if you’re ever going to achieve your goals.  But, what if instead of doubting yourself, you began to become curious.  Curious about what success would look like for you and how achieving your goals could change your life.  Here is how to become curious about your success.



Become curious about your success and what that would mean for you.  Envision your future and what you want to achieve.  See yourself in the future and truly visualize what you want to make happen.  See your success and all its glory.  It’s yours for the taking.  But, first you have to give yourself permission to dream and be curious about what is possible for you.  Take the time to spend a few moments dreaming about your success and be curious enough to push past the...

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How To Stop Holding Yourself Back

Mar 10, 2022

The beliefs you have are holding you back from achieving your goals.  Henry Ford said, whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right.  What you think and believe matters.  Whether you believe in yourself or not, you’re right.  You have the ability to change the beliefs you tell yourself in order to move forward and achieve your goals.  Here are three areas you can control so that you stop holding yourself back from achieving your goals.



Start by noticing your thoughts.  Catch the thoughts that aren’t serving you.  Commonly, these thoughts are fear, worry, and self doubt.  You begin to believe these thoughts are true.  When in fact, these thoughts are just limiting beliefs that are holding you back.  Take back control by deciding what you want to believe instead.  Perhaps a new belief is that you can do anything you set your mind to.  Choose to think new thoughts...

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How To Never Give Up On Your Goals

Mar 03, 2022

Maybe you’re at the point where you feel like giving up because you’re not achieving your goal fast enough.  You’re not where you want to be, you’re fed up, frustrated, and wondering if it’s ever going happen.  You start to question if you’re ever going to achieve your goal.  So, you give up.  Unfortunately, this is how your goal never gets achieved.  Here is how to keep going and never give up on your goals!


Set Realistic Expectations

When you’re not seeing results as fast as you think you should, then you start to worry.  You think that it’s not working.  You feel like failing if you’re not where you think you should be.  But, this is an unrealistic expectation.  You think success should happen much faster than it really does.  That’s why you need to set realistic expectations for yourself.  Don’t think that you’re going to achieve your goal...

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How To Trust That Your Success Is Inevitable

Feb 24, 2022

You’re working towards your goal and you want to achieve it immediately.  You want to see the success happen quickly.  When this doesn’t happen, you start to doubt yourself.  You begin to think that it’s not going to work.  You lose faith and hope, only to give up on your goal.  But, you can’t let that happen.  Achieving your goal is not an overnight success.  Here is how to trust that your success is inevitable so that you will achieve your goal.



Write down your goal with the word TRUST in big capital letters.  This will act as a reminder to trust the process that you will achieve your goal.  You can make it happen.  Trust that you will find a way.  Often you don’t know how or when you’ll achieve your goal but, trust that somehow it will become your reality.  When you begin to fully trust that you can achieve your goal, that’s when the pathway will unfold for...

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Five Reasons Why You Need A Goal

Feb 17, 2022

Think about what setting a goal might do for you.  Perhaps it will improve your life in some way.  Maybe it will make you a better person.  Or, it could just be that it moves you from where you are to where you want to be.  If you’re ready to find out what setting a goal can do for your life, then here are five reasons why you need a goal.



Having a goal gives you clarity on what exactly it is that you want to achieve.  Without a goal, you’re just going through the daily motions of life without a clear path.  Almost like a boat, floating aimlessly in the ocean without any idea of where it will end up.  A goal gives you direction and focus.  You know where you want to be and what you’re working towards.  You have a clear direction to move forward towards something that you want in your life.  Like a beacon of light in the distance, you can clearly see where you’re headed when you have set a goal.

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