How To Live Life To Your Full Potential

May 20, 2021

The dreaded feeling of time passing you by, feeling like you’ve wasted it, and missed out on so many opportunities.  That feeling is gut wrenching.  That is not the life you want to live.  You want to live life to your full potential and not get to the end with regrets of what could have or should have been.  Here is how you can live life to your full potential.


The Choice

This may be hard to hear but, you can choose your future or it can choose it for you as you float along, aimlessly through life.  The choice is yours.  Think about what you’re okay with.  If you’re okay living a mediocre life, without a clear purpose and direction, then that’s okay.  But, if you really want to live your best life, then you won’t be okay with limiting yourself to living life below anything other than your full potential.  Now is the time to make a choice.


Outside Your Comfort Zone

If you want to live life to your full potential, you’re going to have to live mostly outside your comfort zone.  You’re not going to be able to do just the things that feel safe and comfortable.  You’re going to have to do things that are a bit scary and outside your comfort zone.


Test The Limits

In order to live life to your full potential, you’re going to have to test the limits.  That means you’re going to try new things and fail.  Each time getting back up to try a new solution.  It’s a learning process.  Each day you learn and grow, you’re making progress towards improving your life.  Start testing the limits of your comfort zone.


Perfectionist Mentality

It can be difficult to be okay with making mistakes when you’re a perfectionist.  Often times you want everything to be perfect before you take action.  This just keeps you stuck from making any progress because you’re paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes.  The reality of the matter is, if you want to live life to your full potential, you’re going to have to make mistakes.  No one rarely does something perfect the first time.  It’s trial and error.  As a perfectionist, you won’t live life to your full potential if you remain too caught up in being worried about making mistakes.  You must let that mentality go!


Course Of Life

Life is like an obstacle course.  You’ll get going, make some progress, then fall off and have to get back up again.  The key is getting back up and to keep going.  You’ll probably be a bit bruised and sweaty, but when you reach the end and achieve your goal, you’ll sure be proud of yourself.  Stay the course and enjoy the journey so that you can live life to your full potential.



Living life to your full potential requires you to make the choice to step outside your comfort zone.  You have to test the limits and make mistakes.  Avoid getting caught up in the perfectionist mentality that everything must be perfect.  Learn from your mistakes and keep going!  This is the course of life.  Buckle up and enjoy the journey as you take steps to live life to your full potential.


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