Making A Wrong Decision

Oct 19, 2023

There are so many decisions you have to make on a daily basis.  You can’t expect every single one of them to be all correct or perfect.  You just have to make the best decisions with where you’re at and what information you currently have.  The biggest struggle is making a decision from your head or your heart and having to change directions when you realize you’ve made a wrong decision.


Major And Minor Decisions

Some decisions in life are small like what to have for dinner, while others are major life decisions that can change the trajectory of your life.  Such as, a new job, moving, or getting married.  Making a poor choice with a small decision is easier to bounce back from.  For example, you can choose to eat a healthier meal the next time around.  Major life decisions take more work and you can easily become stuck in analysis paralysis.  This can prevent you from ever making a decision in the first place because you’re worried you’ll choose incorrectly.  You just sit there, teetering on the edge of knowing if this is the best decision for you.  Sometimes you just have to take a risk, commit to it, and go for it.



Decisions in your mind send you into overthinking and analytical mode.  The thought based brain has you write down a list of all the pros and cons of each decision.  You think through the consequences and different outcomes.  You play it out in your mind as you map out your next steps if you were to go one direction versus another.  You’re trying to gage your future based off of past experiences to help you make the most informed decision possible.  Each decision you make with your brain requires a lot of thought.



Then, there are decisions that you make based on your heart.  These decisions are placed on your heart without much thought.  It’s knowing in your gut, deep in your core, that this is the right decision for you to make.  The decision may not look right on paper from your brain based analysis, but with all your heart, it’s saying go for it.  Sometimes decisions don’t have to make sense.  It’s just your intuition, that inner knowing, that’s telling you it’s the right thing to do.


Change Course

Occasionally, you will make the wrong decision.  You start heading down a path and you think this isn’t the right direction.  You feel like you’ve already made the commitment, spent all this time, and you’ll look ridiculous if you give up now.  But, if this path doesn’t feel right, then you have to have the courage to change course.  Stop worrying about your ego and really look at where you are in your life.  Think about the decisions you’ve made that have gotten you to where you are right now.  If you don’t like the path you’re on, then it’s time to make a change.  Decide today that something must change.  That all starts with you and the next decision you make.


Get Excited

When you make a decision that wasn’t ideal, you feel disappointed in yourself.  You get sad and down.  You might even get angry at yourself and think you should have known better.  However, everyone makes mistakes and that’s how you learn.  Now you know that wasn’t the direction for you.  You can regroup and figure out your next action step from here.  You could be feeling a bit shy and unsure of your next decision because of this misstep.  But, you can’t let that stop you.  You have to keep going!  You’re learning a lot in the process.  It’s time to get excited about your future and what’s to come.  Start making decisions based off of that excitement and where you want to go.  There is so much more life left to live and experiences to be had in your lifetime.



Don’t get down on yourself if you make a wrong decision.  Decide how you can move forward from here.  Take what you’ve learned and carry it with you to help you make better decisions in the future.  Have the courage to continue making decisions, even if you know not all of them will be right.  Get excited about your future and what more you’ll be able to learn.  Don’t be afraid of making decisions in your life.


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