Three Steps For The Right Mindset To Achieve Your Goal

Apr 02, 2020

One of the most important things you need to have in order to achieve your goal is the right mindset.  Use these three steps to get your mind in the right place so that you can achieve your goal.


1. Clear Direction

Have a vision for what you want to achieve.  Even if you don’t know exactly how to get there, know where you want to end up.  Often times you get so hung up trying to figure out the perfect step by step process to achieve your goal so that you won’t make any mistakes along the way.  However, nothing goes exactly as planned.  Especially since you’ve never achieved this goal before.  Therefore, forget figuring out how you’re going to achieve the goal for now.  Just get clear on the goal that you want to achieve.  You won’t be able to get to where you want to be if you have no idea where that end destination is to begin with.  Get crystal clear on the direction you’re headed.  Write...

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Three Keys To Your Morning Routine

Mar 26, 2020

A morning routine sets you up for a successful day.  A morning routine gives you a sense of normalcy and consistency that is needed to help you feel your best.  When things are out of whack, sporadic, and unplanned, it can throw your day off.  Start your day with solid morning routine so you know what to expect.  Here are three areas you should focus on in your morning routine to set yourself up for success.


1. Mind

Begin your day on a positive note.  Fuel your mind with something uplifting.  This can be an inspirational podcast or video.  Put on some music and listen to your favorite upbeat playlist in order to wake yourself up and get energized for the upcoming day.  Take time to be silent and meditate.  Try practicing gratitude and list three things you’re grateful for.  Make a list of positive affirmation to get in the right frame of mind.  Spend time visualizing your goals and dreams becoming a reality. ...

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Everything Is Figureoutable

Mar 19, 2020

Marie Forleo coined the term everything is figureoutable.  Initially this phrase can mean that you can find solution to anything, no matter what the circumstance.  In order to do this, you often go looking for the answer everywhere but inside yourself.


Streetlight Effect

There is story that a man is under a streetlight searching around when a police officer comes up and asks what the man has lost.  He says he lost his keys so they both begin to look.  After a few minutes the officer asks the man if he’s sure he lost the keys there, and the man replies, no, he lost them inside his house.  The officer asks him then why are you searching out here and the man replies, this is where the light is.  This is has become known as the streetlight effect.


Look Inward

Many times you go searching for things outside of yourself when if you just took a minute to turn inward, you could find the answer you were looking for all along.  The phrase...

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From The Dungeon To The Arena

Mar 12, 2020

Truth moment, your comfort zone is holding you back from going after your dreams.  It’s easier to stay in your comfort zone where you know everything is safe.  But that’s only going to keep you stuck where you currently are.  No dreams or goals are ever achieved in your comfort zone.


Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is often warm and cozy.  Like your bed when you first wake up in the morning.  It’s time to shift your belief around your comfort zone.  Realize that your comfort zone is not a place where you desire to stay.  In order to make that shift you need to change your comfort zone from being a place that you find comfortable and enjoy to one that you despise and cannot wait to get out of.



Envision this, you’re back in the time of the gladiators.  Imagine a dungeon that is full of rats and spiders.  It is dark, cold, and damp.  There are no windows and it feels almost as if the walls...

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Five Steps To Change Negative Thoughts

Mar 05, 2020

Negative thoughts are a bad habit.  It’s time to replace that bad habit with a new, positive one.  Learn these five steps to help you change your negative thoughts.


 1. Watch Your Thoughts

The first step to change your negative thoughts is to notice when it happens.  Sometimes you don’t realize you’re speaking negatively to yourself.  If you’re a positive person, who is usually in a good mood, then it can be difficult to admit when you’re being negative, mean, or hard on yourself.  Often negative thoughts can be just a quick little voice that you barely notice.  For example, you may say you’re so stupid when you make a simple mistake.  Even though these negative thoughts may be small and easily dismissed, they are still very influential.  Start by watching your thoughts.


2. Comparison

Comparing yourself to someone else is the easiest way to have negative thoughts.  Social media...

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How To Make The Unfamiliar Familiar

Feb 27, 2020

It’s difficult to take action on your goals when you’re afraid, petrified, and full of self doubt.  You may be telling yourself that this goal is impossible or envision it being a complete and utter failure if you even give it a try.  This is only holding you back.


The truth is, you are in control of two things.  The first being the thoughts you say to yourself and the second being what you visualize in your mind.  If you’re stating all the negative thoughts and believing all the worst case scenario images, then you will never achieve anything in life.  You will remain in your comfort zone of what is familiar.


It is human nature to be in our comfort zone of what is familiar and steer clear of what is unfamiliar and outside of our comfort zone.  However, you can expand your comfort zone and make what is unfamiliar familiar.



At one point you didn’t know how to ride a bike, you disliked broccoli, okay...

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8 Areas To Live Your Best Life

Feb 20, 2020

Here are eight areas you can focus on in order to help you live your best life!  Take the time to hand write your answers by putting pen to paper.  Go with the first thing that comes to mind and start writing.


1. Goals

Start by setting some goals.  Think about what you want to accomplish in your life.  These could be things that you want to do, places you want to visit, people you want to meet, etc.  Consider what would make you feel accomplished at the end of this year.  Write down some solid goals to work towards.


2. Charity

When you’re thinking about living your best life, it’s important to consider what difference you want to make.  Not only in your life but in the lives of others.  This could be giving back in the form of a monetary donation, time, energy, or providing someone with a resource to help out, etc.  Think about what things you would need to do in order to make a difference.  This in turnwill...

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8 Tips To Achieve Your Goal Faster

Feb 13, 2020

Use these eight tips to help you achieve your goal faster.


1. Get Clear

The first step to achieve your goal faster is to get absolutely clear on what your goal is.  If you have no idea what you’re trying to achieve then it will be hard to know what direction you should be moving toward.  An unclear goal is impossible to obtain.  Worse, an unclear goal will leave you stuck where you currently are.  Write your goal down on paper.  Be specific and clear on what you want to achieve. 


2. Be Consistent

Create a game plan that will help you achieve your goal and be consistent with it.  If you’re working toward your goal every other week you’ll see limited progress.  However, if you’re consistently working on your goal every day you’ll achieve it much faster.  Do at least one thing every day that will help you achieve your goal.  Schedule time first thing in the morning to ensure that it gets...

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Five Areas To Focus On For More Happiness In Life

Feb 06, 2020

In order to achieve more happiness in life, take a look at the following five areas.  Commit to setting a goal in each area so that you can life a happier life.


1. Self Care

The first area to look at is self care.  Often you take care of everyone else but yourself.  It is said that you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before you can help others.  Make yourself a priority.  Schedule time for self care.  It is essential for your overall health and happiness in life.  Don’t let it fall to the wayside.  Focus on taking care of you.  Set a goal to do at least one self care activity each week.  When you feel good about yourself, you’ll be happier in life.


2. Relationships

Family and friends are incredibly important to living a happier life.  Having conversations and being around others that make you laugh allows you to thoroughly enjoy life.  The relationships you foster are ones that...

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Stop Failing And Start Learning

Jan 30, 2020

The fear of failure often hinders you from going after your dreams.  This fear stems from the lessons you learned at a young age.  In school you are taught that you must have the right answer in order to succeed.  Today, now that you’re grown and in the real world, it’s difficult to take action on your dreams because you’re afraid that you might have the wrong answer.  You fear that you’re doing it wrong or making an incorrect choice that will ultimately lead to failure.


Failures commonly leave you faced with ridicule, anger, frustration, and yelling that you didn’t do something right.  The truth is, you made a mistake and now it feels like the whole world is coming to an end.  Even the littlest of errors make it seem like you’re incapable of doing a great job.  This only reinforces the belief that you’re not competent and should just quit now.


The fear of getting it wrong and that it’s...

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