Learning From The Seasons In Life

May 04, 2023

There are many seasons to your life.  Some are more difficult and challenging than others.  While some seasons may be bright and merry, others are dark and full of despair.  No matter what season you’re in, know that it will pass.  Soon enough you’ll be in a completely different season of your life.  The key is to be present and learn from this season before you move into the next.  This will help you to be more prepared for the challenges and obstacles to come in the future.


Changing Seasons

You can look at the changing of seasons a few different ways.  First, you can visually think of it like standing on the beach, watching the ocean waves approach you.  Some of the waves are larger, more violent, and have extreme turmoil.  Then, there are the smaller laps of ocean water that barely kiss your feet.  The waves roll in and out as time moves forward.  You can also view the changing of seasons as climbing a...

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How Life Events Can Change Your Goals

Apr 27, 2023

There are many reasons why your goals do not get achieved.  Sometimes life happens and your goals get pushed to the back burner while you work on other things that have become a priority.  The things that were once important to you are no longer of major concern.  Your focus shifts to other things that need your immediate attention.  Here are how life events can change your goals and what you need to do when this happens.


Life Events

Major life events can happen that throw you for a loop.  Whether that’s tragedy, loss, death, or any life change that causes a disruption in your normal routine.  Your priorities shift and you’re now focused on another area of your life.  Your goals are put on pause while you sort through your emotions and work to get your life back in order.  Sometimes you have to pick up the pieces and figure out where to go from this point forward.  Major life events can send your life in a whole new...

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Warning Signs To Shift Your Focus

Apr 20, 2023

You want to control your desired outcome of achieving your goal.  You also want to control the path in which it takes to get there.  When you want to control the future and you can’t, you have this natural apprehension and tension within yourself.  Worse yet, when things aren’t going in the direction you want, you think you won’t be able to achieve your goal.  This all creates a lot of fear, worry, and doubt.  But, these are actually warning signs telling you to shift your focus.


Your Focus

Your fears, worries, and doubts come from thinking about something that hasn’t happened yet.  You want to control the future outcome and you’re concerned that it won’t turn out the way you’d like.  But, your future is responding to you.  Where you put your attention and what you focus on magnifies.  If you focus on the unwanted outcome, then you’re more likely to make that your reality. ...

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The One Enemy Preventing You From Achieving Your Goals

Apr 13, 2023

The underlying reason why you’re not achieving your goals is because of fear, worry, and self doubt.  These culprits creep up on you just as you have enough courage to go after your goals.  It’s almost as if three different enemies are conspiring and working against you.  This makes you feel outnumbered and makes you question if have the authoritative power to overcome these obstacles.  But, what if it wasn’t three separate opponents and it actually just boiled down to one enemy that you had to conquer?  Facing one enemy seems much more manageable than trying to combat three.  Here is the one enemy preventing you from achieving your goals.



First, start by asking yourself if you’re a worrier.  Perhaps you worry what other people will think.  Maybe you worry about the unknown future outcomes, what will happen if things go this way or that way.  You might worry that you don’t have all the...

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How To Overcome Worry And Achieve Your Goal

Apr 06, 2023

Worrying about the future unknowns plagues you from achieving your goals in life.  Often, just as you have the courage to go after your goal, you’re hit with a wave of worry that stops you right in your tracks.  You worry that you’re not good enough, that it won’t work out, that you’ll fail or embarrass yourself, etc.  Ultimately, you worry that you can’t achieve your goal.  It’s time you take back your power to overcome your worry so that you achieve your goal.  Your goals and dreams are meant to be realized.  Not left bottled up inside you.  Here is how to overcome your worry and achieve your goal.


Catch Yourself

The first step is to catch yourself the next time you find yourself worrying.  Ask yourself, what is the benefit of worrying about this.  You’ll quickly realize that worrying will not help you.  Instead, shift yourself into action.  Do one thing that will make you feel...

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Finding The Balance In Daily Routines

Mar 30, 2023

If you think about your life, you probably have a few routines.  Maybe a morning routine to get ready for work and evening routine to wind down before bed.  These routines are end caps to your day.  Routines don’t require much thought which is probably a good thing when you’re not quite awake in the morning or getting ready to sleep at night.  Yet, getting stuck in daily routines can having you living a mediocre life.  Living the same life on repeat day in and day out isn’t very exciting.  You’re not pushing yourself to live life to your full potential or stretching to achieve your goals and dreams in life.  There has to be a balance between a daily routine and finding the excitement that life has to offer.  Here is more about finding the balance in daily routines.


Time Saver

A routine saves you time.  It also eliminates your need for decision making.  You are already inundated with so many decisions...

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Tune Into Your Inner Confidence

Mar 23, 2023

Think about how you act when you’re confident.  You stand up straight and tall with your shoulders back and head held high.  You speak with confidence instead of whispering, stuttering, quivering, or shaking voice.  You don’t care what others think and accept yourself.  You believe in yourself and your ability to figure things out.  You know that you’re able to learn and grow which excites you about life.  Confidence is all about trusting and believing in yourself.  Here is how to tune into your inner confidence and let it shine!



When you sit in silence and get quiet, you’re inner most workings can be heard.  Your inner confidence is sure of yourself and often missed because you haven’t taken the time to really be quiet and listen.  There are many ways you can tune into your inner confidence.  You can meditate, do some deep breathing, or go for a walk in nature, and just pay attention to...

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Confidence In Your Future

Mar 16, 2023

Think about what would be possible if you had confidence.  All the goals you’d set and all the dreams you’d go after.  The world is full of possibility and opportunity for you do anything you could imagine.  Nothing can hold you back.  Especially, that inner critic that often rears its ugly head telling you all the reasons why you can’t.  Having confidence in your future quiets that inner critic and turns dreams into reality.



Give yourself permission to dream and envision all your future possibilities.  No dream is too big.  Do not limit yourself.  Close your eyes and allow your mind to wander.  Tune inward and see what comes up for you.  Dream about your deepest desires and bring them into view.  Focus in and get crystal clear on what you truly want.  Visualize your future and what you want to make happen.  See yourself in the future when you’re living this dream life. ...

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How To Confidently Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Mar 09, 2023

Picture yourself standing in the middle of a circle.  That circle represents your comfort zone.  There are things you do every day that are within your comfort zone.  Your subconscious wants to keep you safe and therefore uses any excuse or reason to keep you from stepping outside your comfort zone.  You don’t know what will happen when you go outside of the circle.  You could face ridicule, embarrassment, failure, injure yourself, etc.  Any bad or worse case scenario plays out in your head to keep you within the confines of your comfort zone.  Yet, when you remain in your comfort zone you just continue doing more of the same thing.  You’re stuck living your mundane routine.  You want to step outside your comfort zone but you’re struggling to do so.  Here is how you can truly step outside your comfort zone with confidence so that you can live life to your full potential.



You may have heard the phrase,...

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Facing Your Insecure Beliefs

Mar 02, 2023

If you aren’t taking action towards your goal because you’re paranoid about what other people think, then you’ll just remain stuck where you are.  You won’t continue to learn, grow, and experience life.  All because you’re worried that it won’t be good enough, perfect, or someone might not like it, etc.  The judgement of others can be paralyzing and hold you back from going after your goals.  Especially when you’re constantly looking for acceptance that you’re doing it right or on the right path.  Yet, there is no right path.  There is only your path.  It’s full of ups and down because that is life.


Insecure Beliefs

Insecurity stems from your previous experiences.  Something happened that made you feel unsafe or not loveable.  Perhaps whatever happened was not perfect or good enough in someone else’s opinion.  It might have even been someone you looked up to,...

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