Four Tips To Help You Start Fresh This Season

Apr 08, 2021

A new season is an opportunity for a fresh start and to get back in touch with your goals.  It’s also a great time to do some cleaning.  Both mentally, emotionally, and physically.  Get rid of what’s not working in order to make room for what can help you to achieve your goals and live your dream life.  Here are four tips to help you start fresh this season.


Reassess Your Goals

Begin by doing a review of the past quarter.  Think about what you’ve been working on and what progress you’ve made.  Don’t get down if you’re not quite where you’d hope you’d be.  A new season is the perfect time to reassess your goals and start fresh.  If something isn’t working for you, now is the time to make some changes.  Reassess your goals, make any changes, and recommit to what you want to achieve.


Clean Up Your Environment

Your environment is where you spend the most time.  Your...

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How To Limit Distractions In Order To Achieve Your Goals

Apr 01, 2021

One of the biggest things that you holds you back from achieving your goals is distractions.  Whether that’s other people, your phone, tv, etc.  With so many distractions it’s hard to stay focused on what you want to achieve.  Distractions are everywhere!  It’s so important to learn how to limit the distractions in your life if you want to get anything done.  Here is how you can limit distractions so that you can stay focused and achieve your goals.


Do Not Disturb Time

When you’re working on your goals and someone interrupts you, it can be extremely difficult to get back into the flow of things.  Often you find yourself thinking where was I and what was I doing?  This is why it’s important to let other people know when you’ve set aside specific time to work on your goals.  Let other people know that this certain time is dedicated to getting your work done and you do not want to be disturbed. ...

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Five Tips To Go All In On Your Goal

Mar 25, 2021

Think about what it would mean to go all in your goal.  Envision how you would have to show up, what action steps would you have to take, and what would you need to believe in order to make that goal happen.  You will be more committed to achieving your goal when you take your goal seriously.  When you take your goal seriously you feel different.  Your goal becomes your top priority and everything you do is focused on making it happen.  Here are five tips to help you go all in on your goal.



When you go all in on your goal your attitude and posture changes.  You walk around with your shoulders down and back, chest open and forward, a straight spine, and head held high.  You have incredible self confidence about yourself and your ability to achieve your goal.  You carry yourself differently when you believe in yourself and your goal.


Belief Mindset

When you believe that you can do anything you set your mind to the world...

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How To Get Back To Working Towards Your Goals

Mar 18, 2021

If you’ve hit a road block when it comes to achieving your goals then you’re not alone.  It happens so often!  But you can’t let that stop you from achieving what you want in life.  Here is how you can get back to working towards you goal so that you can finally achieve it!



Start by asking yourself why you’re not taking action towards your goal.  A feeling should come up for you that’s causing you to put off working towards your goal.  It could be that the goal feels too overwhelming, you don’t know how to get there, or fear is taking over.  All of these are legitimate reasons that prevent you from achieving your goal.  But, you cannot let them win.  Acknowledge what feeling is coming up for you and then journal about why you feel that way.  Recognizing what’s causing you to stop taking action towards your goal is the first step in getting back on track.



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What To Do When You Feel Down About Your Goal Progress

Mar 11, 2021

Sometimes you fall off the band wagon while working towards your goal.  Obstacles come up that throw you off course.  The truth is, challenges will always occur but it’s important to not let them prevent you from achieving your goal.  It can be easy to give up when you hit a roadblock and start feeling down about your progress.  But, that’s not going to be you.  Sometimes you just need to recommit to your goal.


Give Yourself Permission

When you do feel down and out about your progress towards achieving your goal, give yourself permission to take a break.  Take a step back and give yourself some breathing room to regroup.  Go for a walk outside to clear your head.  Turn on some music and dance it out.  Maybe you need a short nap or a relaxing meditation to get you back into a positive head space.  Give yourself permission to take a break and come back to your goal with a renewed mindset.


Stay Committed


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Why You Are Stuck In Learning Only Mode

Mar 04, 2021

When you set a new goal for yourself, you often begin by doing some research on the topic.  You start studying in order to gain a lot of expertise in this area.  Perhaps you’ve read all the books, watched all the videos, and absorbed everything you could on this particular topic.  You are the educated expert.  If someone were to ask you any question about this topic, you will most likely have an answer.  But, do you really know everything there is to know about this topic?  Honestly, it’s impossible to learn everything there is about a certain area.  Things change, new concepts are discovered, and more content keeps being added.  You get sucked into trying to consume it all in order to feel like you know everything there is to know.  You believe that once you know it all, then you will be able to start making progress towards your goals.  Yet, why do you feel like you need to continue educating yourself on this topic...

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How To Become An Expert

Feb 25, 2021

If you’re stuck and having a hard time achieving your goals then maybe some additional expertise might help.  Perhaps that’s getting a higher degree, learning a new skill, or simply trying something different.  Gaining more knowledge to become an expert can give you the extra confidence you need in order to finally take action and achieve your goals.



As someone who loves to learn, you crave more knowledge.  Knowledge gives you power.  It makes you feel smart.  You learn and grow through educating yourself with more knowledge.  However, there is a difference between someone who just consumes all the information for mental awareness versus someone who actually applies the knowledge and becomes an experienced expert in that particular field.


Educated Expert

The educated expert is someone who has read all the books, watched the videos, listened to audios and can talk about the methods and strategies associated with...

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How To Make Your New Belief Stick

Feb 18, 2021

You have many beliefs.  Some serve you and help you to achieve your goals while others hinder you and prevent you from achieving your goals.  The key is to change the beliefs that are keeping you stuck to beliefs that will better serve you.  Forming new beliefs can be difficult.  But, there are a few things you can do to make your new belief stick.


Recognize The Belief

The hardest part is recognizing the limiting belief in the first place.  You need to be consciously aware of what thoughts are going through your mind.  Catch the thoughts that are causing you to believe something that isn’t true and that’s stopping you from making progress towards achieving your goals.  Once you begin to notice these beliefs when they occur, you’ll be better prepared to change the belief.


State Your New Belief

When you catch your limiting belief, state your new belief in that moment.  Teach yourself that this is not the belief...

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How To Change Your Beliefs To Achieve Your Goals

Feb 11, 2021

One of the biggest things that holds you back from achieving your goals is yourself.  Your mind wants to keep you safe in your current comfort zone.  When you try something new that’s unfamiliar your mind starts telling you all the reasons why you shouldn’t continue.  This is when you give up on your goals.  The self doubt becomes too overpowering and ends up winning.  You are left stuck in your current comfort zone, never achieving your goals.  Learn a process to help you break through the self doubt by changing the beliefs that are preventing you from achieving your goals.


Identify The Beliefs

The first step is to figure out what beliefs are holding you back.  The best way to do this is by journaling about what you want to achieve and what’s getting in your way.  Think about the blocks that come up in your mind that are preventing you from moving forward.  Perhaps that’s you’re not good...

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How To Have Discipline To Achieve Your Goals

Feb 04, 2021

The hardest part about achieving goals is having the discipline to stay motivated and continue to take action toward reaching your goals.  Life often throws things your way to get you off track.  It is said, expect the unexpected.  Life is full of unexpected events.  If you knew everything that was going to happen, life wouldn’t be that fun to live.  This is why you must have the discipline to keep working towards your goals even when times get tough.  Do not let roadblocks, hurdles, or simply life events stop you from going after what you want most in life.  If it’s important enough to you, you will find a way to make it happen.  Life throws challenges at you to see if you’ll give up.  Keep going and never give up!  Here are three areas on how to have discipline to achieve your goals.


Daily Action

You must have the discipline to take daily action towards your goals.  Do at least one thing every day to...

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