How To Turn Your Dream Into Reality

Apr 21, 2022

Often you dream about something you want to achieve and it just remains a dream.  Maybe it’s because it seems too far fetched, that it’s not possible or that it requires too much time and effort.  Either way, your dream sits on the sidelines, gathering dust, never to be realized.  But no more!  It’s time to turn your dream into reality!  Here are five steps on how to turn your dream into reality.


Get Clear On Your Dream

First, take time to fully flesh out your dream.  Close your eyes, allow your mind to wander, and dream.  Tune into your soul and what you want.  Visualize your future and what you want to make happen.  Make this visualization vividly clear on what exactly it is that you want to achieve.  Be specific so that you know without a shadow of a doubt what your dream consists of.  Define why this dream is important to you and what it will mean for you to achieve it.  Deeply connect with those feelings and then open your eyes to write it all down on paper.  Describe what you saw and how you felt so that you can reference these dream notes in the future, when you’re working to turn your dream into reality.


Set A Goal

A dream is defined as an aspiration of something greatly desired.  A dream remains a dream if you don’t take any action towards it.  A dream becomes a goal when you set a benchmark, create an action plan, and begin to take action to achieve it.  Turn your dream into a goal, one that is specific and has measure so that you know when you’ve achieved it.  Turn your dream into reality by setting a goal for yourself to work towards and achieve.


Create A Plan

Next, create an action plan on how to achieve your goal.  Reverse engineer what you need to do.  This includes things you need to research, maybe you need to ask someone for help, seek out more resources, or other tasks to complete.  Make an extensive list of all the things you can think of that will help you to achieve your goal.


Take Action

Then, pick one of these tasks and get going!  Start taking action to turn your dream into reality.  Consistently take action by completing at least one task that’s going to move you closer to achieving your goal each day.  If you have extra time, squeeze in another task.  But, make it a priority to get your goal related task completed first before anything else!  Otherwise, your dream will just remain a dream and never be achieved.


Valley of Despair

Lastly, there will be times when you hit a roadblock, struggle, and feel like giving up on your dream.  But, don’t let this get you down or deter you.  Instead, have some resources that you can turn to whenever you’re in the valley of despair.  Maybe that’s an upbeat playlist, motivational videos, or inspirational podcasts.  Perhaps, it’s people you can talk to who will support you and cheer you on.  You can also refer back to you dream notes from earlier and reconnect to your dream.  Sometimes you just need to be reminded what you’re working towards and why it’s important to you.  But, the absolute best way you’ll pull yourself out of a funk is to get back into action.  Choose the next small step you can take and do it!  Get yourself out of the valley of despair by pushing yourself to continue moving forward to turn your dream into reality!



Turn your dream into reality by first taking time to visualize your dream and get really clear on what you want to achieve.  Write down exactly what you saw and how you felt to create your dream notes.  Next, turn your dream into reality by setting a specific goal for yourself.  Then, create an action plan to achieve it.  The only thing left is to take action!  Whenever you find yourself struggling to achieve your goal, have a set a resources you can turn to that will pull you out of the valley of despair.  Believe that you can turn your dream into reality because it is truly possible!


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