How To Ask For Help To Achieve Your Goal

Sep 08, 2022

Working to achieve your goal is difficult work.  It takes a lot of stamina, especially when times get tough.  You may feel like you need to push through and carry all the weight on your shoulders.  After all, it is your own personal goal that you’re working towards.  Not someone else’s goal.  However, getting help to achieve your goal can actually be beneficial.  Here is how to ask for help to achieve your goal.


Why You’re Not Asking For Help

Your goal means a lot to you.  Asking someone else to help you achieve it can be a big hit to your pride.  Considering help may be the last thing on your mind because it may appear like you’re weak and that you can’t handle it on your own.  Perhaps it’s that other people will find out that you really don’t have it all together.  It could be that you don’t believe that someone else will follow through and complete the work as well as you.  Maybe you think that someone else won’t have as much invested into the goal as you do.  Someone else won’t care as much as you do about achieving your goal.


What This Means

But, where does this leave you?  Overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout.  Juggling too many plates in the air and just waiting for the next one to fall.  At some point you’re going to need to ask for help.  That means getting over your fear, worry, and self doubt about asking for help. 


Feels Like Failure

When you ask for help, you feel like a failure.  You weren’t able to achieve your goal on your own merit.  Instead, you waived a white flag and asked for help.  Yet, asking for help doesn’t make you less than, unworthy, incapable, stupid, etc.  It means that you’re smart enough to know when you’ve got too much on your plate and you could use some assistance.


Shortcut To Achieve Your Goal

In fact, asking for help can be a shortcut to achieving your goal.  Taking things off your plate gives you more time to focus on the things that truly matter and tasks that move the needle closer to achieving your goals.  Instead of being bogged down in the weeds, you can put your effort into the tasks that only you can do.  Leave the monotonous tasks for someone else.


Prioritizing Tasks

One of the easiest ways to do this is to give a dollar amount to each task.  Checking your email is a dollar task while showing up at the gym to workout is a one hundred dollar task because only you can put in the hard work and make the effort.  Prioritize what’s most important and go after those high dollar amount tasks that will help you to achieve your goal.


Ask For Help

When you’re ready to ask for help, you don’t need to go into a long explanation or reasons as to why you need help.  Simply say “I need help” and leave it at that.  Sometimes you have to release your grip of control and ask for help.  That’s okay.  Especially if helps you to achieve your goal because well, that is the goal!  There is no need to be embarrassed or feel inadequate asking for help.  Most people are willing to help, they just don’t know how.  Delegate some of those low priority dollar amount tasks.  Feel a sense the relief when you finally have the space to breath and focus on the more important tasks to achieve your goal.



If you don’t ask for help, you’re at a risk of losing out on achieving your goal.  When you ask for help, you’re truly gaining.  You’re gaining your sanity back, your precious time, and you’re that much closer to achieving your goal.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Everyone needs help from time to time.  Asking for help is not being a burden.  Rather, getting other people involved in helping you to achieve your goal builds camaraderie and you’ll find that they will be just as excited about your goal as you are.  Ask for help and achieve your goal faster without the overwhelm and burnout caused by working alone to achieve your goal.


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