Three Foundational Steps To Massive Success

Jun 11, 2020

You need a few foundational steps to help you successfully achieve your goals and live your dream life.  These foundational steps to success are cyclical.  It’s a cycle where you can’t have one without the others.  You start with dreaming big.  Then, you find the resources to turn your dreams into reality.  Lastly, you gain the motivation to take action and make your dreams come true.  Let’s take a closer look at the three foundational steps to help you achieve massive success.



Start by doing something every day that inspires you to dream.  Allow your mind to wander and daydream about what you want your future to look like.  Visualize your future self and what you want to make happen.  There are a few techniques you can use to create your vision for the future.  If you’re creative you can journal about what you see your future self achieving.  You can draw or paint the visual.  You can also turn inward and quiet your mind to focus on visualizing your future through meditation and deep breathing.  Perhaps you’d prefer to go for a walk outdoors for some fresh air and see what thoughts come to mind.  Whatever it is, do things that makes you feel good and inspires you to dream about your future.  Take the time to get inspired and visualize the success you want to create in your future.



You need tools that will help you turn your dreams into reality.  It is said, what got you here won’t get you there.  You will need to learn some new things in order to get you to where you want to be.  This could be by enrolling in an online course.  You could read books, watch videos or documentaries, listen to podcasts, etc.  It’s also a great idea to find a mentor that has already accomplished what you want to achieve and start learning from them.  Soak up all the knowledge you can on the particular topic you’re working towards.  This research will help you get further faster.  Empower yourself with the tools you need to make your dreams a reality.



Now that you have envisioned your future and researched your topic, it’s time to take those dreams and create a specific goal.  Get crystal clear on the exact goal you’re trying to achieve.  Define precisely what it is that you want to achieve in the future.  Doing this will keep you laser focused on what you need to be working towards.  Once you have your goal, you’ll need to be motivated to take action every day in order to make progress.  Make a list of one to three fifteen minute or less tasks that you can do each day that will move you closer to your goals.  Be consistent with it.  Know that there will be times when you want to give up.  When that happens, start back with your inspiration.  Remember why you want to achieve your goal.  Recall the vision that you created for your future.  This will help you stay motivated to continue working towards reaching your goal.  Eventually, your motivation will see you through to successfully achieving your goal.



These three foundational steps will help you achieve massive success in life.  But, only if you use them together as a cycle.  The first foundational step is to inspire you to dream about what you want your future to look like.  Next is to empower you with the tools to turn your dreams into reality.  Lastly, you need motivation to take action and make your dreams happen!  Use these three foundational steps to help you achieve massive success in your life.


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