The Story Of Your Life

Feb 16, 2023

In a biography of your life, you are the main character.  How you see yourself in your life’s story matters.  You can play the victim, the villain, or the hero.  The choice is yours.  Here’s how each one plays out in the story of your life.



When you play the character of the victim, you feel like the world is out to get you.  Life is working against you and not happening for you.  You often see what’s wrong and focus on what’s not going right.  You feel like nothing is ever good enough.  You feel hopeless about your situation and don’t think things will change.  You feel powerless and it doesn’t seem like things will ever turn around in your favor.  You blame outside sources for your own misgivings in life.  Yet, you also believe that these outside sources are the only thing that will save you and create the joy, happiness, and success you’ve always deeply desired for yourself.



The villain in the story is when you believe you’re a bad person.  You don’t believe that you’re good enough.  You strive for perfection and often beat yourself up over little things.  You put yourself down and can be combative with others.  There is an inner anger, hate, and distrust within you.  This may be outwardly expressed towards others but it’s truly a deeper reflection of how you feel about yourself.  You don’t recognize how worthy, beautiful, and completely capable you truly are.  You put up a tough face and try to mask the pain you’re feeling.



Lastly, the when you are the hero character, you take charge of life and realizes that no one is coming to save you.  If something needs to get done, it’s up to you to make it happen.  You can do it yourself or become a leader and delegate the tasks to others to get done.  The hero takes charge and leads to work towards a solution.  The hero is resourceful and knows that no outside source will rescue you from any given situation.  It’s up to the hero to be brave enough to step up, take charge, and get to work.  The best part is, when you act as the hero, you love yourself unconditionally.  You know your worth.  You feel strong, powerful, and optimistic that you can figure out a solution to overcome any challenge.  Take the hero's journey to achieving your goals, dreams, and life you ultimately want to live for yourself.



Now, think about your own life and which character you play more often.  There will be times when you act as the victim or villain.  But, you truly shine when you put your cape on and step into the role of the hero.  It’s up to you to become the hero of your own life.  No one else is coming to save you.  Don’t get down yourself and fall into the victim role when it feels like the world is out to get you when nothing is going right.  Avoid becoming the bitter villain and taking your frustration out on others who only want to help.  Instead, take charge of your life like the super heros do.  You can overcome the obstacles put in your path because you are the hero of your life.


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