The One Enemy Preventing You From Achieving Your Goals

Apr 13, 2023

The underlying reason why you’re not achieving your goals is because of fear, worry, and self doubt.  These culprits creep up on you just as you have enough courage to go after your goals.  It’s almost as if three different enemies are conspiring and working against you.  This makes you feel outnumbered and makes you question if have the authoritative power to overcome these obstacles.  But, what if it wasn’t three separate opponents and it actually just boiled down to one enemy that you had to conquer?  Facing one enemy seems much more manageable than trying to combat three.  Here is the one enemy preventing you from achieving your goals.



First, start by asking yourself if you’re a worrier.  Perhaps you worry what other people will think.  Maybe you worry about the unknown future outcomes, what will happen if things go this way or that way.  You might worry that you don’t have all the information you need to make an informed decision.  Or, that you’re not equipped enough with the tools and skills to achieve your goals.  It could be that you’re focused on the worst case scenario coming to fruition.  You’re worried about everything that don’t know. 



Next, is your inherent fears.  The definition of fear is an unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined.  The key here is imagined.  When you’re working to achieve a goal that you’ve never achieved before, there are a lot of unknowns.  You’re coming up with all the different scenarios that could go wrong.  You think, what if you fail or look bad and embarrass yourself while trying to achieve your goal.  Your fear holds you back from going after your goals and dreams in life.


Self Doubt

Then, there’s self doubt.  Self doubt occurs when you start to question yourself.  You begin to second guess yourself and wonder if you’re on the right track.  You start to think maybe you don’t know what you’re doing and who are you to go after such an audacious goal.  Perhaps you really can’t achieve the goal that you’ve set for yourself.  Maybe you’re not worthy, enough, or capable of achieving your goal.  Self doubt plagues you and makes you questions everything from which steps to take to your own ability to achieve your goal.


The Real Culprit

Now, let’s go back to worry for a minute.  Worry is defined as anxiety or unease and allowing your mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.  Worry means you’re focused on the uncertainty of potential problems.  If you’re only focused on the problems, no wonder you’re not going after your goals and dreams in life.  That also means you need to watch the thoughts and stories you’re telling yourself.  If you’re constantly repeating the same negative story in your head, it will engrain in your mind and you’ll believe it as truth.  Think about the stories you’re telling yourself that pertain to why you can’t achieve your goal.  If you’re on a vicious negative thought pattern, then it’s time to shift what you’re thinking and telling yourself.  The real culprit here is you!



It’s hard to believe that the real enemy here is yourself.  But, you are the one holding yourself back from achieving your goals and dreams in life.  It’s not the fear, worry, or self doubt.  You must learn to step into your power and know that you can face any obstacle put in your path.  That includes the internal battles of fear, worry, and self doubt.  Life will constantly throw unforeseen challenges your way.  But, you are fully capable of conquering each one because you’ve done so thus far in life.  You just have to believe in yourself in order to do so.  When you do, you’ll be able to go after your goals and dreams in life without fear, worry, or self doubt.


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