Take Control Of Your Thoughts

Jan 31, 2019

Every day your mind is constantly flooded with thoughts about what is going on in your life.  These thoughts determine how you feel.  How you feel decides what action you take.  Your actions dictate your result and your future. This domino effect is starts with an event and your response to it.


Let’s dive deeper into this process and learn how to take control of your thoughts.


Most of the time your circumstances are beyond your control.  You made it to the airport late and missed your flight, you cut someone off in line, or you forgot your lunch at home.  We all make mistakes.  But what’s done is done.  The past cannot be changed.  The only thing you can change is how you respond.


The first response to your current situation is the one sentence thought that just popped into your mind. The thought is usually focused on what this situation confirms about you.  This may be that you’re not worthy, enough, smart, or pretty. 


This then triggers a particular feeling inside you.  This emotion produces a vibration in your body.  As mentioned in previous blog posts, positive vibrations are the highest frequency.  These include, love, joy, excitement, etc.  Negative vibrations include fear, worry, doubt, etc.


From this feeling you take a certain action.  Action can be physically doing something or not taking any action at all.  A lack of action, such as sitting on the couch watching Netflix because you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to do, can also be a response.


Lastly, comes your result which is created by your action.  Realize that you may not get the result you were looking for.  Sometimes you get the lesson you needed to learn instead.  This happens when your thoughts are consumed with negativity, which caused you to vibrate at a negative frequency, and the result will confirm that negative thought.


During this whole process you’ve been searching for evidence to prove your original thought.  Your thoughts are powerful and the best part is, you are in control!  You are in control of your thoughts, which determines your feeling, and creates the action you take, which give you a result.


Since you are in control of your thoughts, you can also control how you feel.  How you feel will decide the actions you need to take to get from where you are to where you want to be in life.  Choose positive thoughts of abundance that anything is possible for you.  This will ensure that you have positive feelings that will ignite your path of action.


Think about how you want to feel.  Tune into the positive mindset that will allow you to feel that way.  The world of possibilities opens up because you’re thinking and feeling at a positive vibration.


The lesson here is that you have the power to take control of your thoughts.  You may not be able to control your circumstance but you can control how you respond.  How you think, feel, and take action are all determined by you.


You have the power to come from a place of negative or positive vibration.  Do not let your circumstances overpower and dictate your thoughts. This only propels you down the path of negativity and nothing good ever comes from that.  Think positive thoughts and choose happiness.  The actions that follow will produce incredible results.  Success is meant to be yours, but only if you take control of your thoughts to think and believe it in the first place!


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