How To Break A Bad Habit

Oct 15, 2020

Habits are created to give you a sense of predictable structure in your life.  Some of your habits may be great and other habits may need some improvement.  Perhaps you’ve been trying to break a bad habit and you haven’t had much luck.  Often times you quit a bad habit cold turkey, only to return to it a few days later.  Bad habits can be hard to break.  However, there are a few things you can do that will help you break a bad habit.


Your Why

The first place to start in breaking a bad habit is to acknowledge why you want to break this particular bad habit.  Think of the reason why you want to stop this bad habit.  The simple answer may be because you know it’s not good for you.  But, go a little bit deeper and think of what it will mean to you when you’ve quit this bad habit.  Maybe you’ll finally feel healthier or won’t be embarrassed because you’ve finally broken this habit.  Get in touch with that feeling.  Realize why you want to let go of this habit.  Write your why down on paper so you can visually see it.  Get really clear on your motivation behind why you want to get rid of this bad habit.


What Are You Gaining?

Next, instead of focusing on the limitation of not being able to do this habit anymore, choose to focus on what you can add more of.  For example, rather than saying you can’t have ice cream every night for dessert, say you can have a bowl of berries instead.  Look for the things you can replace your bad habit with.  If it’s that you don’t want to watch a bunch of tv, then remind yourself that you are able to fill that time by doing other enjoyable things like reading or spending quality time with family.  Stop focusing on what you’re losing and look at what you’re gaining.  Remember the feeling of your why behind why you want to stop this bad habit.  This feeling is something you’re gaining.



One of the easiest ways to fall back into a bad habit is not knowing your triggers.  There is something that triggers you to do your habits.  This is a prompt that tells your mind to take the desired action.  Begin figuring out your triggers.  Usually you see something that triggers the habit.  It might be beneficial to keep a log of your day to see when and what triggers your bad habit so you know what to pay special attention to.


Tell Yourself No

Now it’s time to break the bad habit by telling your mind that this habit is no longer serving you.  When your trigger prompts your bad habit, tell yourself the word no out loud.  Verbally tell your mind that you do not want to do this.  You can also come up with an affirmation.  Tell yourself this is just a habit talking and not truly your voice.  Because your voice no longer wants this habit in your life.  It’s your habit speaking and trying to convince you that you want to do this. 


Move Your Attention

Then, dismiss the habit voice and shift your attention.  Move your attention to something else.  This could be a new positive habit that you want to replace it with.  Or simply taking another action that will distract and jolt you out of the routine habit.  Some people keep a rubber band on their wrist to snap when they feel tempted by their bad habit.  Communicate to your brain that this habit is not one that you wish to continue having in your life.


Break The Habit

The key point is to recognize the trigger and when you’re feeling compelled to take the action of the bad habit.  It is then that you must remind yourself this is only the habit talking and sending signals to your brain to follow through on the habit.  You have the power to interrupt that signal and reroute it.  Eventually, with time, your brain will recognize that you no longer wish to have this bad habit and the urges will cease.  It is not a quick and easy process.  However, it can be done.



Start breaking a bad habit by writing down the reason why you want to break this habit.  This will give you motivation to keep going when you want to give into the bad habit.  Then, remind yourself what you get to add into your life by giving up your bad habit.  Choose to focus on the positive.  Next, keep track of the triggers that prompt your brain to take the action of the bad habit.  Lastly, break a bad habit by communicating to your brain that this habit no longer serves you.  Verbalize the word no so that it interrupts your mind’s usual habit pattern and shift your attention to something else.  Use this system to finally help you break a bad habit.


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