How To Avoid Overwhelm And Achieve Your Goal

Aug 11, 2022

A common reason why goals are abandoned and never achieved is due to trying to do too much all at once.  Big goals can feel overwhelming and sometimes impossible to achieve.  This is especially true when you feel like you’re running on all cylinders, working extremely hard but seeing little to no progress.  Achieving your goal should not feel this way.  If you want to achieve your goal, you need to see progress in order to stay motivated.  But, that doesn’t mean you need to go to extremes and work yourself to the bone of exhaustion.  Here are five tips on how to avoid overwhelm when it comes to achieving your goal.


Small Milestones

First, break down your goal into small bite size pieces.  Set small milestones for yourself where you can take little daily actions.  This will help you feel like your goal is more manageable because you aren’t trying to do too much all at once.  Yes, you want to achieve your goal as quickly as possible, but not at the expense of burn out.  Rushing to complete too many big tasks at once will hamper your progress and leave you feeling defeated when you aren’t able to meet your expectations.


Realistic Goal

Next, set a realistic goal for yourself.  Don’t set a goal that you have an extremely hard time believing that you can achieve.  Stretch goals are great but don’t set your expectations too high where you lose momentum and motivation to achieve it.  You have to believe that you can achieve the goal you’ve set.  If you don’t think it’s possible to achieve, then at some point you’re going to wonder why you are even trying in the first place.  A good realistic goal is just out of reach, but not out of sight.  If you can see it, you can achieve it.  Set a goal that seems a bit out of reach but is doable.


Realistic Deadline

Set realistic deadlines for yourself and don’t try to accomplish too much all at one time.  Being over optimistic can cause you to take on too much at once.  Give yourself enough time and space to get the tasks completed.  Achieving your goal does not happen overnight.  It takes time and patience, which is difficult when you aren’t seeing success as quickly as you’d like.  Give yourself a realistic deadline to achieve this goal.


Small Changes

Then, decide to make small changes.  Don’t completely change and overhaul your lifestyle.  Start small and build from there.  For example, don’t say you’re going to exercise seven days a week and go cold turkey on revamping your entire diet.  Instead, start slow and introduce healthier options.  Taking on too much will lead to quitting and giving up on the goal that you’ve set.  Small changes over time add up and eventually get you to achieve your goal.


Have Support

Lastly, find accountability or support from friends and family.  Ask for help when you need it.  Especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed and need someone to take something off your plate.  Look for mentors who have gone before you that have advice to help you achieve your goal.  See how a mentor juggled life and reduced stress.  Determine what you can incorporate to make achieving your goal easier.  Surround yourself with other successful people who can support you on your journey to achieve your goal.



You do not have to overwhelm yourself by doing everything at once in order to achieve your goal.  Doing that will only lead to giving up on your goal.  Instead, break your goal down into smaller, more manageable tasks.  Focus on what you can do today to move you closer to your goal and get to that next milestone.  Set a realistic goal and deadline for yourself.  Next, make small changes instead of revamping everything all at one time.  Lastly, have support to help you along the way to achieving your goal.  Use these five tips to avoid overwhelm.  Stop trying to do too much and give yourself the necessary time it takes to achieve your goal.



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