Fear Of Not Knowing The Answer

Mar 14, 2024

When you don’t have all the answers to make a decision, the future outcome becomes very uncertain.  You worry about making the wrong decision and this causes you to avoid taking any action at all.  The fear of not knowing the answer can leave you paralyzed in your current comfort zone.  However, if you want to achieve big goals and dreams in your life, you’re going to have to learn to be okay with not having all the answers.



Recall being back in school when you were called upon to answer a question in front of the class and you weren’t sure if you knew the answer.  Que the anxiety sweat and massive fear building up inside of you.  If you provided the wrong answer you’d have to live with that embarrassment for what seems like forever.  If you got it right you’d look smart and be a hero.  However, this judgement from yourself and others does not determine your true worthiness or your ability to achieve your goal.  You’re not going to know all the answers every time.



Not having all the answers can keep you stuck from making decisions in your life because you’re afraid of the unknown future outcome.  You worry that you’ll make the wrong decision and it will send you down a path of constant challenges which will make it so much harder to achieve your goal.  Or, perhaps it will send you off in a completely different direction which puts you further away from achieving your goal.  However, you’ll never know until you get yourself into action.  If you just remain in the decision paralysis and never take action, you won’t get anywhere in life.  You’ll just remain stuck, exactly where you are, with unachieved goals and dreams on your heart.  You must be willing to make the difficult decisions even when you don’t have all the answers.


Wing It

Sometimes you just have to wing it.  You won’t have all the answers or know for certain what the future outcome is.  You just have to wing it and make the best decision you can with the information you currently have.  The truth is, everyone is winging it.  No one has a crystal ball and knows all the answers.  Everyone is just winging it in life.  As you take action, you’ll learn more and be able to make better, more informed decisions.  It’s best to just get out there and wing it.  You can always make adjustments and changes as you go.



You have to learn to live in the discomfort of not knowing the answers all the time.  You don’t have to know how it will turn out.  You hope for the best and believe it will turn out in your favor.  Make the best decisions you can and move forward from there.  You might look foolish, incompetent, or mess up publicly and you have to be okay with that.  Learn to live in the discomfort of fear.  When you do, you cannot lose.  You’ll either achieve your goal or learn the lesson with the answer you didn’t know until now.



The fear of not having the answer can keep you stuck from going after your goals and dreams in life.  But, you have to be willing to live in the discomfort if you want to achieve big things in your life.  The more you push yourself to live in the discomfort of fear, the bigger results you’ll see.  You’ll never fully be comfortable with fear.  It will always be there.  But, taking action despite that fear and knowing that greatness is on the other side will help you live life to your full potential.


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