Fear Of Choosing The Wrong Direction

Feb 29, 2024

Choosing the wrong direction to achieve your goal can cause you to struggle and slow down your progress towards your goal.  However, no one has all the answers or knows the perfect path to take that will have the least resistance to quickly achieve your goal.  You’re going to have to do the best you can with the information you currently have.  No one has a crystal ball to predict the future so you can pick a direction that minimizes mistakes and errors.  You just have to wing it, choose a direction, and go!


Get Into Action

You might want to take time to research and plan out the perfect path to achieve your goal.  But, even the most calculated decisions don’t always go as planned.  There is no amount of research and planning that can add up to the knowledge and experience you gain by actually taking action.  Consider learning how to ride a bike.  Reading books, watching videos, and learning tutorials cannot compare to getting into action.  You learn best by doing!  Get on the bike, wobble, fall, and eventually you’ll get the hang of it.


Pick A Direction

You don’t have to know everything before you get started and take action towards your goal.  You just have to pick a direction and go.  If it doesn’t work out, you can always make adjustments.  It doesn’t mean you’ve chosen the wrong direction.  You can pivot and do something different.  But, now you know that wasn’t the direction to go.  If you would have never taken that route, you would never have known.  You now have better information to go off of and you can pick another direction.  The alternative is just to remain paralyzed in fear of choosing the wrong direction.


Learning & Growing

It’s best to pick a direction and learn along the way to make improvements.  At least you’re taking action and this is essentially progress.  Even if the direction you chose didn’t get you to where you wanted to be, you’re still learning and growing.  You’re not the same person you were when you originally began working on your goal.  You’ve learned and grown a lot.  You’ve made mistakes, failed, and had some successes.  You’re not stagnant and stuck.  You’re taking brave, bold action.  Even if it’s not going as quickly or easily as you’d like.   


No Wrong Direction

There is essentially no wrong direction when it comes to achieving your goals.  The only wrong direction you have to worry about is when you consciously choose to do something that hinders the progress towards your goal.  This is when you self-sabotage and know it’s the wrong move but you take the action anyway.  However, if you don’t know how it end up, then this is not a wrong direction.  It’s simply choosing a direction.  Each direction you take will either give you a lesson to learn or the result you intended.  Ultimately, when you choose a direction, you’re getting closer to where you’re meant to be.


The Universe

You may think the universe is conspiring against you.  Yet, each obstacle and challenge are to better equip you to achieve your goal.  Don’t beat yourself up when things turn out differently than you had hoped.  This doesn’t serve you.  It might be that the universe has something better in mind for you.  Trust and believe that the universe is working in your favor.  Everything that is meant for you will come and find you.  No matter what happens, good or difficult, it’s getting you closer to where you’re supposed to be in life.



You must take action and choose a direction to achieve your goal.  Even when the path ahead looks difficult and uncertain.  No one knows for certain what the future holds.  Nor does anyone know for certain what the perfect right path is for the future.  The only certainty you can rely on is yourself and your own strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Along the way you’ll learn a lot from the missteps and you’ll keep course correcting until you achieve your goal.  Trust and believe that it will all work out for the best, no matter which direction you choose.


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