Becoming Unafraid Of Making Mistakes

Mar 21, 2024

Being unafraid of making mistakes takes a lot of courage.  It’s realizing you’re not always going to get everything right.  It means owning it when you mess up and acknowledging you can make adjustments that lead you in the direction of achieving your goals.  If you continue to hide behind the fear of making mistakes, you’ll never be able to fully go after your goals and dreams in life.  You’ll just remain stuck in you comfort zone of what you already know and what feels safe.  Learn to become unafraid of making mistakes so that you can take action towards achieving your goals.



The fear of making a mistake is so much more than a misstep.  You might actually look at it as though you’ve failed.  You’ve embarrassed yourself and ultimately confirmed your worst fears about yourself.  Perhaps you believe this confirmation that you’re a failure, incapable, and incompetent of achieving your goals.  But, beating yourself up and calling yourself these horrible names will not help you achieve your goals.  Rather, it does quite the opposite by dampening your motivation and overall mood to take action towards your goals.



Avoid labeling your actions as a success or failure.  Mistakes are going to happen.  However, these are not truly failures.  Sometimes you have to try multiple times before you achieve success.  Yet, with each attempt, you’re learning and gathering more information to improve your approach for next time.  Through mistakes, missteps, and even if you call it failure, eventually it will lead you to success.  Mistakes aren’t something to be feared that holds you back from going after your goals and achieving success in life.


Learning Lessons

It’s time you change your perspective on the fear of making a mistake.  It’s not that you made a mistake, it’s that you had a lesson to learn here.  If you were meant to get it right you would have.  Look for the lesson in the mistake.  If you don’t learn it the first time, you’ll keep repeating it until you do.  Mistakes are meant to teach you something.  It’s telling you more about who you are right now and the person you are yet to become.


New Knowledge

Each mistake provides you with knowledge that propels you forward.  You might not believe it in the moment because a mistake can cause you to feel flustered, angry, upset, and discouraged.  But, when you’re aware enough to look for the lesson, you can see what you were supposed to learn.  Once you learn the lesson and get additional feedback, you can make adjustments to change your approach to achieving your goal.  You now have new information that will allow you to make a more informed decision on how to take the next best action step towards your goal.


Making Mistakes

The truth is, you will make mistakes.  Just simply admit it out loud to yourself.  You will make mistakes.  You make mistakes, I make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes.  No one is one hundred percent perfect all the time.  It’s what you do in the face of making a mistake that’s important.  You can either let a mistake get you down and prevent you from achieving your goals or you can let it empower you to try again.



Do not let the fear of making a mistake hold you back from achieving your goal.  If you let the fear of making a mistake win and you just continue to remain in your comfort zone, you’re not evolving, growing, and living life to your absolute full potential.  Allow yourself to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the fear of making mistakes.  Choose to love your ever learning, mistake making self.  Remember, fear will always be there.  It’s taking action through the fear that matters so that you can gather the necessary information to continue choosing the next best action step to take to achieve your goal.  As you take action and make adjustments with each lesson learned, you’ll inevitably achieve your goal.


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