Avoiding Distractions From Your Goals

Feb 08, 2024

There are many distractions that try and tempt you away from working on achieving your goals.  These are usually the easier, more mundane tasks that don’t move the needle.  In fact, these tasks most likely have nothing to do with helping you to achieve your goals.  Rather, these tasks take you further away.  Learn how you can begin avoiding distractions from your goals.



Distractions are ultimately challenges that you must overcome if you want to achieve your goals.  Each challenge tests your resolve, determination, and perseverance.  It’s a way to see how badly you really want to achieve your goal.  It’s up to you to pass the test and avoid these distractions.  However, you can’t always avoid distractions.  An emergency or something important can pop up out of nowhere.  Your challenge is to decide if the distraction is necessary and crucial enough to take priority over your goal.


Avoiding Distractions

Keeping your goal at the forefront of your mind will help you to remain undeterred.  Remaining focused on your goal and what you want to achieve will help you become less distracted.  Create a wall paper on your phone as a constant reminder of what you’re working so hard to achieve.  Any time you reach for your phone, you’ll be reminded of where your focus and attention need to be.


Your Determination

How badly you want to achieve your goal will determine how easily distracted you become.  If you’re not all in and truly dedicated to achieving your goal, then any little distraction will pull you away from your goal.  If you let this happen, you’ll be headed in another direction and you won’t make any progress.  Even worse, you might even completely forget about your goal all together.  Make sure the goal you set is truly something you desire and are determined to achieve.


Non-Negotiable Time

One of the biggest distractions to achieving your goals is destination procrastination.  It’s doing anything and everything but working on achieving your goal.  You have to start recognizing when you’re distracted.  Maybe that’s being distracted with housework, other people, or events that take up the time you should be using to work on your goal.  You must pull yourself back into the present and get focused instead of giving into these distractions.  Make your goal a non-negotiable priority.  Set aside specific time dedicated to working on your goal.  This time is protected and should not be changed to work on or do something else.


Take Action

The best way you can make progress towards your goal is commit to doing one task every day that moves you closer to achieving your goal.  Try and complete this task first thing in the morning so that it gets done.  You don’t want to get to the end of the day scrambling to work on your goal.  Make it a game to do one thing each day to achieve your goal and don’t break the chain.  You’ll slowly begin to see progress and your momentum will build with each day that passes.  Continue taking action and you’ll achieve goal in no time!



Distractions are temptations and each one is trying to move you farther away from achieving your goals in life.  The challenge is to recognize when you’re distracted and pull yourself back into the present moment so that you can focus on taking the necessary action steps to achieve your goal.  It’s not always easy and it’s certainly a test to see how badly you want to achieve your goal.  Avoid giving into the distractions!  Keep your goal at the forefront of your mind.  Set aside non-negotiable time to work on your goal.  Lastly, do at least one thing each day to achieve your goal.  When you want something bad enough, you’ll find the time to make it happen.  Your goals get achieved when you avoid distractions.


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