Ask For Help And Delegate

Jun 22, 2023

It can be hard to ask for help sometimes.  You might think that you should be able to figure things out on your own, you don’t need help.  It can feel embarrassing to ask for help when you think you should be able to do everything yourself.  But, if you find that you’re beating yourself up because you’re not able to come up with the solutions.  Or, you’re feeling overwhelmed and you’re just not able to get everything done in a reasonable amount of time, then asking for help may be your solution. 


Asking For Help

There are many benefits to asking for help.  The first is simply getting a new set of eyes on things can give you a new perspective.  You may have just been too close to situation to see the solution yourself.  Sometimes things become too much of a burden to carry alone.  Often your schedule is inundated with tasks and you just can’t fit everything in.  Asking someone else to help you pick up the slack to get things done more quickly and efficiently is a smart move on your part.



Start by taking a look at the things you do on a daily basis.  Think about what you can delegate to someone else.  Set up systems and processes for these tasks.  Write down instructions or film how you do certain things in order to teach others how to do it so that you don’t have to.  Be mindful of the tasks that only you can do.  Acknowledge what you can delegate and catch yourself if you think you can’t delegate a task because you believe it will take too much time to teach someone else.


Your Time

Your time is valuable.  You may think that asking for help will only slow you down.  But, take the time to explain how to complete the task to someone else now.  This may seem tedious and that you’re spending extra time.  However, in the long run, it’s going to be one less thing that you’ll have to do in the future.  Eventually, this person will master the task and you’ll never have to do it again.  This frees up space in your schedule to focus on the more important tasks that only you can do.  Get those little tedious tasks off your plate and delegate them to someone else.  Your time is better spent on more important things.


Have Patience

Have some patience with yourself and others.  Be patient and don’t expect the work you’ve delegated to be perfect or be up to your standards immediately.  This may cause you to believe that you should have just done the task to begin with.  But, instruct how it needs to be fixed and allow the person to fix it.  This is how everyone learns.  The task will get completed.  In time, it may even be done better than you ever could.


No Take Backs

Avoid taking back any tasks that you’ve already delegated.  Don’t just think that it will only take you a few minutes to complete this one little task.  The next thing you know, too much time has passed and you’ve been distracted from accomplish the important things on your list that you must get done.  Once something is delegated, let the other person complete the task.  There is no need for you to micromanage the task.  You’re more than welcome to check in from time to time or review the work that’s been done.  But, don’t take over and complete it yourself.



Do not be afraid to ask for help.  Look at the things you do on a daily basis and see what you can delegate to someone else.  Free up time in your schedule to work on the more important tasks that only you can do.  Have patience while someone else learns how to do some of things that you’ve been doing for so long.  It may be hard to let go of certain tasks and you may want to take the task back over, but allow this person to learn.  Once you’ve delegated a task, keep it off your plate and focus on the more important tasks that only you can do.


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