You Have All The Power Within You

Sep 06, 2018

We hold all the power within us to guide our lives.  We control our thoughts and decide what actions to take.  Often times we look outside ourselves for the answers we are dying to have.  But usually if we turn inward and draw upon our own strength we can find the answers we have always been searching for.


Many times we think if we only had the answer to this then we would take action.  That thought actually holds us back from doing the one thing we know we need to be doing.  We use the constant search for answers as an excuse that keeps us stuck where we are.  We don’t allow ourselves to try and fail because we are so afraid of judgement.  Instead we question ourselves to the point where it’s easier to remain in our comfort zone because it’s safe.  Rarely we put ourselves out there for fear that we may fail.  Worse yet, we may be criticized or made fun of.  We decide that we shouldn’t put ourselves through that pain.


The real underlying pain is remaining where you are.  That in a year from now you will be stuck in the same spot.  We simply go through the daily motions floating through life.


If we truly want to live extraordinary lives we have to take some risks.  That starts by trying new things and putting ourselves out there. Sure, the unknown is scary but that’s part of the fun in life.  When we start out being a novice and transform into the master.  That sense of pride and thrill of trying something new gets us excited about life.


As children, we are filled with adventure and don’t have a lot of built up fears.  Growing up we are still learning what's right and wrong.  Instead we jump off high places and put our fingers on a burning stove.  Children learn as they go, without fear.


If we could go back in time and see the world through the curiosity and wonder of our childhood selves, what could we accomplish?  Think of all the things you could achieve if you didn’t let fear hold you back.



The two biggest fear culprits are failure and judgement.  Our minds start questioning our ability and soon it’s just too easy to give up.  We don’t even try.


Life is about pushing through those difficult moments and learning as we go.  We must be confident in our ability that we can do anything we set our mind to.  It’s like in the Wizard of OZ when Glinda tells Dorothy that you’ve always had the power, you just had to learn it yourself.  In fact, we have all the power within.  Because, even if we fail, at least we tried.  The real failure is not trying at all.


It’s time to change our mindset around failure.  Believe that trying and taking action towards your dreams is the true definition of success rather than failure.


Life is not a straight line.  It's filled with twists and turns.  Setbacks and pitfalls.  But that’s what separates us from others.  We are the ones who are determined to keep pushing through.


We will never have all the answers.  But we certainly have all the power within us to keep trying.  We keep putting ourselves out there and learning.  This is how we grow and lead better lives.  We can only continually improve if we keep going and never give up.


My challenge for you this week is to find the power within you and activate it.  Download this free PDF to help you get revved up to tackle your goals without fear.




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