What You Want In The New Year

Jan 04, 2024

It’s the start of a new year and it’s almost like a blank slate.  You have the power to make things happen this year.  It’s time to get clear on what exactly that is for you.  If you continue doing the exact same things as you’ve always done, another year will pass by without any change.  You’ll reach the end of the year and look back with only more of the same things.  But, learning, growing, and evolving is a huge part of life.  Embrace change and get excited about the new things coming this year.  Let’s figure out what you want in the new year.


What You Want

The first step is to visualize yourself at the end of this year looking back on what you have achieved.  Looking back, do you see more of the same or did you step outside your comfort zone and push yourself to finally go after some big goals this year?  Think about what you want to see happen this year.  Write down the places you want to go to travel, the people you want to surround yourself with for connection, and what’s going to motivate you to keep going when times get tough this year.  Decide right now what you want this year to look like.  The universe won’t conspire to help you make that your reality unless you get really clear on what it is that you want.


What You Want To Feel

Next, get clear on what you want this year to feel like.  Find a word that inspires that feeling.  Maybe that’s courage, confidence, light, change, abundance, openness, romance, etc.  Reference last year and if it was a difficult year, choose something different for yourself this year.  You have the power to choose something different but you have to start now.  Consider how you want this year to feel.  Create a wall paper on your phone with your word of the year as a constant reminder of what you need to be focusing on.


What You Can Control

Lastly, there are things that you can and cannot control in life.  Your job is to realize what is in your control and what’s not.  You can control how you respond to each event.  This means your attitude, energy, choices, and actions.  The choices and actions you take will determine your future this year.  Refer to your word of the year and remember what you want to achieve this year to pull yourself back on track.  You will experience challenges and obstacles this year that will try and throw you off course.  Don’t let it.  Be strong and stand in your power of what you can control.  Let go of what you can’t control and continue to keep pushing forward.  You will only go as far as you let yourself.  If you give up and throw in the towel, this year will end up being a disappointment.  Do not give up on your goals and dreams.  Choose to take action even when you’re in the depths of despair, disbelief, and instead trust and believe that it will all work out in your favor.  There are some things that are out of your control.  But, be mindful of where your energy is focused and make sure it’s on the things you can control.



With the beginning of a new year, it’s all about perception and how you perceive this year going.  If you see more of the same then nothing will change.  If you want something different, you have to do something different.  Get clear on what you want and how you want this year to feel.  This year won’t always go as you had planned but you have to keep going.  Each challenge is meant to teach you something.  Learn the lesson and move forward.  Have the energy, courage, confidence, and curiosity to see what else is out there for you this year.  Don’t hold yourself back from going after your goals and dreams.  You’ve got this!


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