What To Do When You Are Overthinking

Feb 01, 2024

Your intuition is your inner knowing.  It’s that gut feeling you have where you’re not quite sure how you know, but you just know.  However, that doesn’t always happen.  Sometimes you’re faced with a difficult decision and you’re just unsure what to do.  You find yourself overthinking and getting wrapped up in all the different possible outcomes.  Yet, this doesn’t help you, it only hurts you.  Find out what you can do when you find yourself overthinking.



Often when you’re faced with a difficult decision, you get into overthinking.  You think about all the worst case scenarios that could maybe happen.  Your attention is on the what if’s which aren’t usually the most positive outcomes.  This creates a bunch of anxiety for you because these different scenarios are outside of your control.  The noise in your mind increases in intensity and volume as you continually remain focused on these unknown future outcomes.  You’re spinning your wheels on things that may never happen.  When you’re overthinking, you’re operating from a lower frequency consumed by fear, worry, and doubt.


Trust And Believe

When you find yourself going down the rabbit hole of overthinking, you must pull yourself back into the present moment.  Notice when you’re overthinking.  Being aware that you’re stuck in the cycle of repetitive negative thoughts will allow you to take back some control.  You can’t control what happens in life but you can choose how you respond.  Choose to respond with trust.  Trust that whatever happens is meant to happen.  Believe that things are working out in your favor, even when it doesn’t appear so.  You’re on a path that will eventually get you to where you want to be or something better.  Trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor.  Believe that you’re capable of getting through anything life throws at you, just as you’ve done thus far in life.  Decide to trust and believe rather than getting sucked into a negative thought spiral.


Taking Action

When you choose to trust and believe, you let go of expectations and surrender.  You let go of the stress and anxieties that have been plaguing you.  From this place, you’re able to take inspired action instead of remaining frozen in place.  You can make small decisions and start to make progress.  You may not have all the answers or know with one hundred percent certainty that this is the direction you need to go, but you’re able to take action anyway.  You begin to hear your own thoughts again and your mind is clearer.  The loud, negative inner chatter has slowed and quieted down.  Your head is no longer in complete chaos of the fears, worries, and doubts.  You’re able to take a few steps and that action propels you forward.



Sometimes you’re unsure what to do in certain situations.  You find yourself overthinking and that only increases your fear, worry, and doubt.  However, this doesn’t help you come up with a solution.  It only keeps you stuck in a negative headspace with even more stress and anxiety.  Instead, pull yourself back to the present moment.  Trust and believe that everything will work out in your favor.  Once your mind has calmed down, you’ll be able to take action.  You’ll find the clarity you need to take action when you trust and believe.  This will help you stop overthinking and get you into action.


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