The Willingness To Create Change Within You

Sep 28, 2023

If you’ve found yourself on a constant hamster wheel of doing the same thing, then it’s time to make some changes.  It’s for your own good.  You can’t keep doing the same things you’ve always done and expect a different result.  That is the definition of insanity.  If you want to achieve big goals and dreams in your life then you’re going to have to do some things differently.  Otherwise, you would have achieved all your goals and dreams already.  To live life to your full potential, you have to have the willingness to create change within you, no matter how difficult that is.


Comfort Zone

Stepping outside your comfort zone and doing things that you’ve never done before can be scary.  But, that’s the only way you’re going to achieve your goals and dreams.  It’s the game of life and you’re playing to win!  You want to experience amazing things in your lifetime but you’re holding yourself back.  You’re afraid of change and everything that’s outside the safety of your comfort zone.  However, you must learn to embrace change if you want to achieve massive goals in your life.


Future Version Of You

Begin by thinking about the future version of you and what you want to achieve.  Ask yourself what do you need to do and how would you need to act right now in order to achieve your goal.  Work to shorten the distance between where you are and where you want to be.  Step into that future version of you.  Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and do things that you’ve never done before.  Become the future version of you now instead of waiting to become that person once you’ve achieved your goal.


Decision To Change

Decide what you can do differently right now to help you achieve your goal faster.  Maybe that’s using your planner to stay organized and on task with a to do list.  Perhaps that’s limiting screen time on your phone and watching tv.  It could be that you need to wake up earlier or meal plan.  Consider what you would need to do today in order to achieve your goal and do it!  Stop wasting time doing the same thing over and over again.  It’s not working.  You haven’t achieved your goal yet.  Decide to make a change and start today before it’s too late.  Your goals and dreams won’t wait forever.  Think about who you need to become and start acting that way right now.


Fear Of The Unknown

Making the decision to change is not the hard part.  It’s the fear of the outcome because it’s unknown.  You have to step into a new way of being and that’s scary because it’s a future version of you that you haven’t yet experienced.  You don’t know what to expect.  It’s trying to fill really big shoes and figuring things out as you go.  It’s messy and imperfect.  You act as if you already have the answers and know which direction to take, even when in reality you don’t.  Change is hard.  In these situations, you must ask yourself if you did know what to do, what would you do and then take that action.  You’re not always going to make the right decision and that’s okay if you’re committed to learning from it.


Willingness To Learn

Being willing to learn from your missteps allows you to make adjustments and improvements.  This will make you better in the long run.  You’ll take more risks with a willingness to go after your goals and dreams in life.  You won’t be paralyzed by fear of getting it right because you know it’s a win if you learn something out of the experience.  Creating change within you comes from being willing to experiment, learn, and grow.  You cannot remain stuck in a state of decision fatigue, overthinking, analysis paralysis, and a fear of perfectionism.  Change means making decisions when you don’t know what the right answer is.  However, you’re willing to learn.



Achieving your goals and dreams is not an easy process.  You have to step up and into a future version of you who is willing to experience change.  Not all change is bad.  It helps you learn, grow, and become better.  Don’t let the fear of change hold you back and prevent you from living life to your full potential.  Be willing to create change within you so that you can achieve your goals and dreams in life.


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