The Two Types Of Resistance

Sep 19, 2019

You may be feeling stuck and unable to take action on achieving your goals because of some resistance that’s trying to stop you.


There are two types of resistance.  The first is internal and imposed by your own mind.  Your brain wants to keep you safe in your comfort zone.  Internal resistance is fear made up in your mind that prevents you from going after your goals.


The other type of resistance is external.  External resistance should be embraced as a sign from the universe to steer you onto the correct path toward reaching your goal.


Let’s take a closer look.


Internal Resistance

Internal resistance will try and keep you from making any progress toward your goal because your brain believes that there is danger by stepping outside your comfort zone.


When you try something new your brain starts freaking out.  It puts up a bunch of internal resistance.  Often caused by the loud negative voice in your head telling you all the reasons why you shouldn’t step outside your comfort zone.  Your brain is using scare tactics to try and frighten you out of trying something new.  When it’s really just fear talking.


Fear from the brain is anxious, nervous, and frantic.  It comes on all of a sudden.  For example, fear can take over when you’re about to give a speech.  Your palms start sweating and you get very apprehensive.  This internal resistance tries to convince you to leave and just give up.


Recognize when it’s simply internal fear that’s keeping you from going after you dreams.  Start to listen for that voice in your head that is talking you out of doing things because of fear.  Acknowledge this voice and push through it.  Internal fear is only there to keep you in your comfort zone.  You’ll never be able to achieve your goals if you let internal resistance win.


External Resistance

Then there is external resistance.  This is when the universe sends you warning signs that get you off course without you even realizing it. 


These signs can come in all different sizes.  For example, you may be leaving the house and you remember you forgot something inside. These extra two minutes may have saved you from a car crash or something else that may be been detrimental.  Or perhaps your flight got delayed and you’re stuck at the airport.  Often times something changes and you don’t quite know why.


You may not see the reason behind the external resistance but the universe is giving you a warning sign. A detour that forces you to change your path.  These are often blessings in disguise.  You wouldn’t always think so but usually down the road there is something better waiting for you.


External resistance is a red flag.  You may not appreciate the sign now but it’s normally something you need to go through in order to learn a life lesson.


Each time you are faced with external resistance use it as an opportunity to learn something.  Life gets so busy that you often lose sight of what’s important.  Typically, the bigger the sign the more you need to be paying attention.  It could be a wakeup call to slow down, be more present, or take care of yourself.



Resistance can be frustrating.  If you want to take your life to next level you must stop listening to the internal resistance in your brain.  You will only be able to achieve your dreams when you quiet the negative voice in your head. Embrace external resistance as a sign that you are off course.  You may not see the reason why your path has changed until you learn the lesson that will help you in the future.


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