The Best Goal Achievement Strategy

Jul 07, 2022

Having a strategy to achieve your goals is important.  Without a plan, you won’t know what to do in order to achieve your goals.  That’s why it’s important to find the best strategy that works for you.


Strategy Example

For example, if you want to lose weight, your strategy would be to exercise and eat healthy.  You might choose a good strategy to exercise and cook at home three days a week.  Your better strategy would be to exercise and cook at home five days a week.  Your extreme perfect strategy is to exercise and cook at home seven days a week.  Your good strategy is the bare minimum you would consider to be making progress towards achieving your good goal.  Your better strategy says you’re being more diligent and taking the right steps to achieve your better goal.  Your perfect strategy leaves no margin for error.  It says that you’ve knocked it out of the park to go above and beyond in order to achieve your goal.  Your perfect strategy is up in the clouds, almost unattainable, and it would be amazing if you could stick to it.  But, that’s why it’s called a perfect strategy.  There is no such thing as perfect.


Choosing Your Strategy

For perfectionists and high achievers, you’ll throw the good strategy out because that’s setting the bar far too low.  The better goal strategy seems like a safe option.  But, come on, you’re a high achiever so you decide to pull out all the stops and aim for the perfect goal strategy.  Yet, that can lead to burn out and if you fail to follow through on the perfect strategy, your confidence is shaken.


Experiencing Setbacks

Life happens and there are days where taking action and making progress towards your goals falls to the wayside.  Whether it’s that time gets away from you, unexpected events arise, or for whatever reason you weren’t able to follow through on the tasks you were supposed to complete.  It will happen.  Sometimes fear takes over, worry, or self doubt creeps in and makes you second guess what you’re working towards.  In these moments, it’s easy to fall back on your good goal strategy.  But, perhaps you can’t even do that.


Be Consistent

You want to be consistently making progress towards achieving your goal.  Not complicating it by trying to decide which strategy you need to commit to.  You need focus and clarity.  You need one strategy that works the best for you.  Make your goal setting strategy something easy that you can stick to so that you can consistently take action to achieve your goal.


Your Best Strategy

Start by defining your exact goal.  Then, make a list of all the things you think you need to do in order to achieve it.  Break these tasks down into smaller incremental action steps.  Each day, pick at least one task off your list and complete it.  Schedule this task first thing in the morning so that you’ll make sure it gets done.  These tiny steps build upon each other and soon you’ll be seeing massive progress towards achieve your goal.  Make achieving your goal simple and less complicated.  It doesn’t have to be difficult with a rigid plan that you must stick to.


Remain Focused

There will be unexpected things that come up when you’re working to achieve your goals.  It might be something you didn’t even think of that you need to do.  Or something could happen that totally throws you off course.  The one plan you should stick to is that you’ll remain focused on your strategy and pick back up where you left off.  Don’t give up on your goals and dreams just because you stumbled.  Get back up and keep at it!  Each action step you take will eventually get you there.



You don’t need a good, better, or perfect strategy in order to achieve your goals.  You just need one simple strategy that you can commit to and return to if you’re off course.  Avoid getting down on yourself and remain focused on your end goal.  You will get there in your own time and it’s not because you stuck to the perfect strategy.  It’s because you didn’t give up on yourself or your goal.


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