Set Your Intention For The New Year

Dec 31, 2020

It’s so important to take time to set your intentions for the new year.  This means setting goals and getting excited about what’s to come.  Set yourself up for success in the new year by getting clear on what you want.  Here are these three areas to help you set your intention for the new year.



Start by choosing one goal for the new year.  Think about what you want to accomplish.  This could be one big goal that you’ll break down into smaller milestones.  But, imagine this time next year and decide what you want to have made happen in your life.  It could be buying a new house, losing ten pounds, launching a vlog, etc.  Perhaps it’s learning a new skill like how to speak a foreign language or starting a new hobby such as learning how to knit.  Set one goal for yourself for the new year.  You’re more likely to achieve your goal when you write it down.  Write your goal down on paper and put it somewhere you can see it each day as a visual reminder of what you’re working towards.



Next, share your new goal on social media or tell a friend for extra accountability.  When you share your hopes, goals, and dreams, it is no longer a secret kept only by you.  Put your goal out into the universe to make it happen.  Speak your goal into reality by sharing it with someone.  Even if that’s just your best friend, Mom, or spouse.  Most of all, choose someone who is supportive and believes in you.  This added encouragement will boost your spirits and motivate you to make your goal happen.  If you’re feeling really brave or would like to challenge yourself, make this person your accountability buddy and have them check in with you weekly to talk about your progress.  If you’re not up for that, simply keep a journal about how you’re doing and what tasks you’ve completed to move you closer to your goal.



Lastly, pick one word for new year that will inspire you to take action.  Think about how you want the new year to feel for you.  Think about how you felt this year.  Perhaps you want to feel the opposite in the new year.  For example, if you felt a sense of loss this year, maybe you want to feel abundance or openness in the new year.  Choose a word that makes you feel good and gets you excited about what’s to come in the new year.  As an added bonus, make this word into wallpaper on your phone so you’ll constantly be reminded of it throughout the new year.



Use these three areas to help set your intention for the new year.  This year may not have gone exactly as you’d hoped, but now is the perfect opportunity to set yourself up for success in the new year.  First, begin by setting a goal for the new year.  Next, set up a form of accountability to hold you to it.  This could be a friend, posting on social media, or even journaling about your progress.  Lastly, choose a word for the new year that inspires you to take action so that you can achieve your goal in the new year.  Getting clear on these three areas will bring you so much success and happiness in the new year.


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