Pick A Path

Feb 09, 2023

Imagine you’re walking in the forest on a dirt path and you come to a fork in the road.  You have to make a decision to veer right or left.  But, you’re uncertain which way to go.  Your choices are either to remain where you are at the cross roads or pick a direction and take that path.  Fear often keeps you stuck and prevents you from making a decision.  You’re unsure what will happen if you go right or left.  It’s easier to remain in your comfort zone of where you are and what you know.  In life, you’re constantly faced with the difficult decision to pick a path.


Known VS Unknown

The uncertainty of the unknown keeps you stuck exactly where you currently are.  But, at least you know what to expect.  Think about this though, do you really want to remain at this same point day after day, year after year or would you rather fully experience life and all that it has to offer?  You have a choice to make.


Making A Decision

Ask yourself why you are afraid of making a decision.  Maybe you’re worried that it’s the “wrong” choice.  That you’ll go in the wrong direction and veer so off course that you won’t be able to come back to the comfortable and known.  Perhaps you think you’ll waste time.  Or, it could be that you’re concerned the path may be too difficult and arduous to take.  It’s so much easier to just remain where you are.  Yet, that doesn’t get you anywhere new in life.  You’re not able to learn and grow.  You’re just stuck exactly where you are.


Living In The Past

It is especially tough for you to make a decision and pick a path if you’re someone who often lives in the past of what could have been.  If you start down one path, you may wonder what the other path would have looked like and where it could have taken you.  However, you can’t live life out of fear, worry, and regret.  You have to pick a path and go with it.  Keep your head up and look towards the future.  Don’t look back and wonder what would have or could have happened if you had chosen differently.  That is in the past.  You can only move forward from here.


Pick A Path

It’s unclear to know what a path holds until you walk on it.  It may be difficult.  But, you can handle it because you’ve already made it this far in life.  You have to pick a path and just go with it.  Choose a direction and start moving.  Do not be afraid of picking the wrong path or making a mistake.  Honestly, taking action is only way you’re going to learn and grow in life.  You can remain stuck where you are or you can be brave, courageous, and curious enough to pick a path.  Think about all that you’ll experience, the people you’ll meet along the way, and all the places you’ll go.  The world is waiting for you.  Pick and path and begin your adventure!  Don’t wait!


Your Story

Picking a path is part of life’s big adventure.  You don’t have a crystal ball to know what’s going to happen.  That’s part of the fun.  If you already knew how it was all going to turn out, it wouldn’t be very exciting.  Your story is not yet written.  But, you have to choose a path in order to write the rest of the pages.  Otherwise, your autobiography will just be more of the same, mundane, and boring routines of life.  Step out of your comfort zone and pick a path.



You have so much to experience in life.  Do not be afraid of picking a path and moving forward.  Otherwise, you’ll just be stuck exactly where you are.  If you don’t take action, you’ll have to set up camp right there at the fork in the road.  Others will pass you by and you’ll never know what you’re missing out on by continuing on the path.  Pick a direction and go down a new path.  Sure it will be unfamiliar and a bit scary.  But, be adventurous and fully experience life.  You’ll learn so much along the way.


50% Complete

Two Step

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