Ocean Visualization To Achieve Your Goal

Aug 25, 2022

Water creates this calming effect, watching the tidal waves roll in and out.  Sometimes they are small laps against the beach while other times they are big waves crashing along the shore.  The ocean water is a lot like working to achieve your goal.  It can be calm until the next moment when it begins to build into larger swells.  Here is how to use the power of the ocean to help you achieve your goal.


Ocean Visualization

Close your eyes and imagine that you step into the ocean.  Feel your toes in the sand.  Sense the cool water on your feet, surrounding your legs.  Look upward and soak up the warmth of the sun as it beams down against your face.  Listen to the sounds around you.  Hear the seagulls call and the waves of the ocean.  Maybe you even hear faint voices or laughter from others playing on the beach around you.


Your Emotions

Now, imagine each time you experience an emotion that you’re stepping into the ocean.  Some days may be relaxed and light hearted.  While other days you may be experiencing a tumultuous time.  The water responds back to you based off how you feel.  Calm water versus massive waves crashing down against you.


Waves Wash Over You

Instead of fighting these waves, let them wash over you.  Ride the wave as you allow yourself to feel your emotions and what you’re going through.  You may be struggling to achieve your goal or feeling defeated from your lack of progress.  Let your emotions go just as the wave disappears.  Often you are taught to push your feelings down and to slap a happy smile on your face that everything is okay.  But, working to achieve your goal is full of ups and downs.  Don’t shy away from your emotions in this journey.


Name Your Emotions

Give yourself permission to feel all the emotions.  Some may be happy while others are sad or angry.  See if you can put a name to the emotion that you’re feeling so that you can recognize what you’re experiencing.  Perhaps it’s fear or it could be excitement.  Dive deeper into emotion that you’re feeling and sit with it.  It may seem like the ocean waves keep attacking you and will never let up.  But, all storms eventually pass.  Some just last longer than you’d like. 


Go With The Waves

Whenever you’re experiencing a difficult time achieving your goal, imagine standing on the shore of the ocean.  Watch the waves and see what’s happening in that moment.  Take in those emotions.  Fighting the waves will only pull you under and sweep you further out into the ocean.  When you relax and go with the waves, it becomes a much gentler process.


Watch For Storms

The water can turn at any point, just like working to achieve your goal.  Be careful and stay alert to notice any red flags.  Dark clouds overhead depict a storm is brewing.  This is fear, worry, and doubt which can be detrimental to your goal progress.  It can feel like a bad rainstorm pummeling your face as the intense ocean waves crash against you.  It’s not until you address your emotions, will the clouds part and the sun will shine on calmer waters.  Pay attention and get a life jacket when you need one.  Stay afloat and find support from friends, family, or other resources that can help you to achieve your goal.  Don’t let the ocean pull you under.  You can face the storm and hold strong until the water calms down to continue working towards your goal.



Stand your ground, feel your emotions, and let your emotions go as each wave washes over your body.  You can be crying tears of joy, sadness, or anger.  All of these can happen when you’re working to achieve your goal.  Let out your emotions and be okay standing in the water rather than giving up on your goal.  If you need a helping hand, envision someone standing with you, holding your hand through this difficult time.  You don’t have to do this alone.  Watch the water change based off your emotions.  Use this ocean visualization to help you experience the emotions you’re having as you work to achieve your goal.


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