Learning From The Seasons In Life

May 04, 2023

There are many seasons to your life.  Some are more difficult and challenging than others.  While some seasons may be bright and merry, others are dark and full of despair.  No matter what season you’re in, know that it will pass.  Soon enough you’ll be in a completely different season of your life.  The key is to be present and learn from this season before you move into the next.  This will help you to be more prepared for the challenges and obstacles to come in the future.


Changing Seasons

You can look at the changing of seasons a few different ways.  First, you can visually think of it like standing on the beach, watching the ocean waves approach you.  Some of the waves are larger, more violent, and have extreme turmoil.  Then, there are the smaller laps of ocean water that barely kiss your feet.  The waves roll in and out as time moves forward.  You can also view the changing of seasons as climbing a mountain range.  Sometimes there are huge peaks that take a lot of effort to summit.  The lower valleys, full of blooming spring flowers, are a place to catch your breath, be reminded of the beauty in life, and to recharge before climbing your next mountain pass.  In each case, the seasons come and go.  You crest one just before you move into another season of your life.


Time And Seasons

Sometimes you desperately want a season to change, especially when it’s been an incredibly difficult time.  It’s almost as if you’ve been stuck in this season and it’s been dragging on forever.  It feels like there is no end in sight.  Yet, when you’re having fun and enjoying the season you’re in, it goes so quickly that before you know it, you’re on to the next season.  That’s like anything in life.  When you’re having fun, you easily lose track of time.  Yet, when you’re struggling and in deep in it, you keep checking the time, ready for it to be over.  For example, spending an afternoon working on your favorite hobby vs doing a strenuous workout where you’re out of breath and feel like dying.  In the first instance, the day goes by so fast that you want more time to work on your hobby.  While in the other case, you’re ready to call it quits.  But, you’re in this season for a reason.  Pay attention to what this season is trying to teach you.


Goals And Seasons

If you think back, time goes by in a blink of an eye.  All of a sudden, you’re a few years older and wiser because of the challenging experiences you’ve been through.  Yet, you learn a lot by going through these seasons.  Sure, it’s not easy but this new found knowledge can help you overcome challenges in the future.  Be present with the season you’re in.  Look to see what you can learn.  Each season can give you a fresh perspective on life that can shift and change your goals.  As life goes on, your goals may vary depending on the season you’ve just been in or are currently experiencing.  That’s completely okay.  Be willing to adjust and modify your goal based off the season.  Before you know it, your next season will have already begun.



Think about what season you’re in.  Maybe you’re enjoying the season you’re currently in.  Or, perhaps you might be wanting this season to be over with quickly.  Either way, be present and consider what you need to learn from this season right now.  Each season brings about an opportunity for change and growth.  That includes adjusting your goals based off the season you’re in.  Savor the season you’re in and take in everything that you can learn from it.  Even if it’s a difficult one, know that it’s making you stronger.  Again, soon the season will change and you’ll be on to your next adventure.


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