How To Stick To Your Schedule

Apr 18, 2019

It can be hard sticking to your schedule when there are things planned that you don’t want to do. All of a sudden something else becomes more important, like watching Netflix or taking a nap rather than tackling the scheduled task.


Since this task is on your schedule you must learn to stick to it.  You have already decided this task was important and it needed to get done. That’s why you scheduled it in the first place. 


Adjusting your schedule due to emergencies is rare.  It’s usually you deciding this task wasn’t important enough to get done that causes you to change your schedule.  It’s easier to procrastinate and do something else that’s more enjoyable.


Procrastination is the worst thing you can do when it comes to your schedule.  When you push tasks off until later, you become stuck in a panic. You’re frantically running around late, in a hurry, trying to get everything done that you’ve put off doing.  It would be so much easier if you just completed the tasks on your to do list at the time they were scheduled.


In order do that, you must switch your mindset to realizing that these tasks are non-negotiables.  You’ve made a promise to yourself that you would follow through and do this task.  If you give into not completing this task, then there will be plenty of other things you don’t get done.  This one task becomes a domino.  That’s why you must stick to your schedule like a commitment and get the task done!


Often times the little voice inside you says just do the task later and change your schedule. When this happens, acknowledge it and complete the task anyway.  Because at the end of the day you’ll feel so proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished. Dinner will be made, the dishes will be done, the house will be clean, and the laundry will be folded.


The key is to think about how you’ll feel when you’re done and completed the task.  You will feel so much more energized.  You’re no longer overwhelmed by your schedule because you’ve accomplished a lot already.  This is powerful motivation.


If you are still lacking motivation on doing your scheduled tasks then break them down into smaller steps. If you want to go for walk but just can’t pull yourself off the couch, start with putting on your shoes, having a glass of water, grabbing your headphones, etc.  Schedule each of these little tasks because you will do the little easy things. If there’s something you want to do and you’re not doing it, break it down into smaller steps.


Sticking to your schedule makes for better decisions because tasks are already planned out.  You usually make poor decisions when you’re forced to make a quick decision.  For example, the option of cooking dinner or going out to eat.  You will choose the easier option.  But if you had planned ahead and said this is what you’re cooking for dinner tonight, there would be no decision to make.  Especially at the end of the day, when you’re exhausted from making so many decisions already.  Each decision takes energy away from you.  That’s why you don’t want to be constantly making decisions.  Instead, rely on your schedule and stick to it.


As it is said, failing to plan is planning to fail.  When you plan what you need to get done you will do it.  You will accomplish so much when tasks get scheduled.  It’s becomes easier to stick to your commitments and schedule because you don’t have to continually make decisions.  You make better decisions ahead of time instead of trying to make a decision in heat of the moment.  Stick to your schedule like a commitment and see how much you can achieve!


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