How To Stay Motivated To Achieve Your Goal

Feb 03, 2022

You might be losing motivation to achieve the goal that you’ve set for yourself.  This causes you to stop taking action towards your goal and it soon falls to the wayside.  Life takes over and you’re back to your normal daily routines.  Only to kick yourself for giving up on your goal once again.  Don’t let that happen!  Here is how to stay motivated to achieve your goal.


Set A Realistic Goal

One of the fastest ways you lose motivation to achieve your goal is when the goal seems out of reach.  Perhaps you set an unrealistic goal for yourself.  Maybe that’s unrealistic expectations of what you can achieve or by when.  You need to be realistic with the time and effort it will take to achieve your goal.  You may also need to seek out help in order to achieve the goal that you’ve set.  Be realistic about what you can do and make a commitment to yourself that you’ll show up to take daily action towards your goal.  Setting a realistic goal with a realistic time frame will help you stay motivated to achieve it.


Break Your Goal Down

Setting a huge goal can be intimidating.  You often don’t know where to start.  Begin by breaking down your goal into small manageable tasks that take less than 15 minutes to complete.  Breaking down your goal will make it feel less overwhelming.  Plan on completing at least one of these tasks each day that will move you closer to your goal.  This will help you to build momentum so that you’re continually seeing progress towards achieving your goal.  You might not know all the steps or have the perfect path to get there, but each step is progress towards achieving your goal.  Each step you take makes your goal seem more achievable and that keeps you motivated!


Write Your Goal Down

Studies have shown that you’re more likely to achieve your goal when you write your goal down.  Writing your goal down communicates to your subconscious what’s most important to you.  Plus, seeing your goal will remind you of what you’re working towards so that you can stay focused.  Write down your goal each day and use it as an opportunity to get excited about what you want to achieve.  By seeing your goal written down on paper, you can create that excitement and motivation to go after the goal that you’ve set.


Know Your Why

Next, have a strong reason why you want to achieve your goal.  Think about what achieving your goal will mean to you and how your life will change.  Envision how you will feel when you’ve finally achieved your goal.  Constantly remind yourself of why you’re putting in the time and effort to achieve your goal.  This will help you stay motivated to keep making progress towards your goal that you’ve set for yourself, even when times get tough.



Lastly, celebrate your success.  No matter how big or small the achievements are, celebrate!  Be grateful for the progress that you’ve made.  Even if it’s not quite everything that you set out to accomplish.  Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t get everything done.  Be proud of yourself for what you did do.  Celebrate the fact that you haven’t given up and find your motivation in those small wins.



These five steps will help you stay motivated to achieve your goal.  Start making sure that the goal you’ve set is realistic.  Then, have a system in place where you take daily action towards your goal by competing at least one task each day.  Next, write down your goal each day as a visual reminder of what you want to achieve.  Always connect with your motivation, your reason why you want to achieve your goal.  Lastly, don’t forget to celebrate your progress.  Keep going and remind yourself of what you’re working towards.  You’ll achieve your goal if you continue taking action.  It’s when you give up, that’s when your goal is forgotten and never achieved.


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