How To Say No To Tasks

Jun 29, 2023

You may have a hard time saying no.  As a result, you say yes too often and fulfill too many demands until you hit a breaking point.  This may look like getting angry or frustrated.  Afterward, you feel guilty and ashamed for being upset.  So, you push away your own goals and go back to putting the needs of others ahead of your own.  This often leads to resentment that your own goals and needs are not being fulfilled.  If that’s the case, you need to set some clear boundaries.  Learn how to say no to tasks that take you away from achieving your goals.


Loose Boundaries

Loose boundaries look like a people pleaser who defines your own self worth by the opinions of other people.  You have an inability to say “no” when someone asks something of you.  You’re often seen as the fixer, helper, or rescuer who is on speed dial at all times as the solution to other people’s problems.  When this happens, you’re only left feeling more stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out.  You’re unclear of your priorities in life and you’re unable to have predictable time to consistently work on your goals.  You have loose boundaries and go with the flow of what others want instead of what you truly need.


Your Needs

It’s time to stop putting the needs of everyone else first.  Remember, you have to put your own oxygen mask on first before you can help others.  Realize that setting a boundary to say no is the kindest thing you can do for yourself and others.  It allows others to step into their own power and confidently find resolutions by themselves.  You don’t have to be the rescuer all the time.  That may be difficult to hear when you’re so use to it.  But, your needs are just as important as someone else.  Don’t forget it!


Set Boundaries

Next, set boundaries around your time.  Protect the time you’ve set aside to work on your goals as a non-negotiable.  When someone asks if you’re busy and you see this it the time you’ve blocked off on your schedule to work on your goal, let your friend know that you already have an appointment at that time and you’ll be unable to make it.  If you continue to push your goals off, it won’t be a priority.  Set a boundary around the time you’ve chosen to work on your goal and protect it fiercely!  Stick to it, no matter what!


Saying No

Lastly, learn to say no!  You may be a people pleaser and feel bad if you have to tell someone no.  But, your goals come first.  If your goals are a priority, you will have to say no to some things.  Otherwise, you’ll risk overwhelming yourself with too many to dos and most won’t be related to your goal.  If you need to tell someone no, just say thank you for thinking of me but I’m not able to do that.  You don’t want to say that you’ll check your schedule or get back to them.  Do not leave the door open to possibility in the future.  You do not owe any further explanation.  Make saying no, cut and dry.  It may be difficult at first but, it’s better than overloading yourself with additional burdens that you do not have the time or energy for.  You must focus and prioritize your goal if you truly want to accomplish it.



Saying no is not easy.  It takes setting boundaries and practicing a firm, unwavering no.  People may be surprised when you stand up for yourself and say no for the first time because they are so use to a different response from you.  Don’t fall back into your old ways.  You can’t please everyone so stop trying.  It’s a tireless job that will never end.  When you start saying no to tasks that don’t align with your priorities, you’ll have more time to work on your goals.


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