How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

Aug 16, 2018

We all have limiting beliefs that holds us back from stepping outside our comfort zone.  There is an inner critic inside that puts us down or tells us we can’t do something.


How do we change that voice inside our head?


Step 1

Notice negative patterns. If there is a phrase or belief that you keep using that is not benefiting you then take notice.  Make a mental note of these thought patterns and what they are causing you to miss out on.  If these beliefs are holding you back from going after something you want then it’s time we change that belief and the story we are telling ourselves.


Step 2

Acknowledge and decide you want to make a change.  Only you have the power to choose to change.  You have to decide you want this bad enough.  Usually life gets to a breaking point where it feels like there is no other option but to change.  Otherwise you keep living the same life over and over without any growth.  As high achievers, we flourish on learning and improving our lives.  We crave to be better than we were yesterday.


Let’s begin the hard work!



Step 3

Look back in your past to where this belief may have started.  This may be a time in school when a teacher said something, a parent or guardian may have instilled this belief, or perhaps a close friend or relative.


**If something is too emotional to relive you may want to consider speaking to a licensed professional about it.  Only when you work through your limiting beliefs will you fully be able to live again.**


As an adult look back on that situation and see it with fresh eyes.  Identify with being a child and how at a young age we don’t always understand the situation fully.  What new story can you create about this belief?  For example, the child may have been scared but it was not their fault. Assess the situation and find a story you can use to build confidence in yourself instead of the negative message you are repeating.  It is only holding you back in the long run.


Step 4

Find the exception. Many times an event will take place and our minds decide that every time that happens the exact same result will occur. Just because this one situation happened does not mean that will occur every time.  For example, we speak up and get yelled at or demoralized so we learn to stop speaking up.  Look for instances when your mind was proven wrong.  You only need one exception to the rule to know that this story you are telling yourself is untrue.  Look for the truth in the situation.


Step 5

Start using this new positive story.  We have the power to change our thoughts and beliefs but it will take time.  Whenever you find yourself slipping back into your old beliefs, stop, and acknowledge your new story.  This will take a lot of practice as these beliefs can be difficult to change.  Over time you can do it.


Again, if this is something that speaks to you, consult a licensed professional for additional guidance to dive deeper into the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.


My hope for you is that you break through your limiting beliefs and go on to achieve many great things in your lifetime.


My challenge for you is to download this week’s freebie and work through a limiting belief that is holding you back from achieving your goal.




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