How To Overcome Worry And Achieve Your Goal

Apr 06, 2023

Worrying about the future unknowns plagues you from achieving your goals in life.  Often, just as you have the courage to go after your goal, you’re hit with a wave of worry that stops you right in your tracks.  You worry that you’re not good enough, that it won’t work out, that you’ll fail or embarrass yourself, etc.  Ultimately, you worry that you can’t achieve your goal.  It’s time you take back your power to overcome your worry so that you achieve your goal.  Your goals and dreams are meant to be realized.  Not left bottled up inside you.  Here is how to overcome your worry and achieve your goal.


Catch Yourself

The first step is to catch yourself the next time you find yourself worrying.  Ask yourself, what is the benefit of worrying about this.  You’ll quickly realize that worrying will not help you.  Instead, shift yourself into action.  Do one thing that will make you feel like you’re making progress towards a solution.  Perhaps that’s doing some research, asking for help, or just picking a direction and taking smaller steps to achieve your goal.  Get yourself into action so that you’ll be doing something instead of worrying.


Worst Case Scenario

If you find yourself dwelling on the worst case scenario, allow yourself to play it out in your mind and come up with a plan for how you’ll respond.  Then, stop spending your time focused on that scenario because it rarely happens.  You have a plan in place in case it does.  Repeatedly replaying your worst case scenario isn’t helping you.  It’s only adding to your stress and anxiety.  Again, do something more beneficial like taking action and doing something to move the needle that will actually help you to achieve your goal.


Believe In Yourself

Lastly, the best way you can overcome your worry is to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goal.  Use your past successes as proof that you’re fully capable and competent of figuring things out.  Pull from your past experiences as evidence that you can do difficult things.  There will be challenges and obstacles but you will manage to work through each one.  As the Winnie The Pooh quote says, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.  When you believe in yourself, you won’t have to worry.



The best way to overcome your worry is to get into action.  Start by coming up with an action plan for how to achieve your goal.  Then, tackle your goal by doing the work.  Avoid worrying about what you don’t know.  In life, you can be certain that there will be challenges and obstacles.  But, worrying won’t help.  It only causes more stress, anxiety, and gives you the perfect reason why not to proceed after your goals.  You can’t foresee what’s going to happen in the future.  You can only plan and prepare yourself the best you can.  Look for when worry is holding you back from going after your goals and dreams in life.  Get yourself into action and start turning your dreams into reality.  Believe that you can achieve your goal, because you can!


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