How To Make A Joy List

Dec 03, 2020

A joy list is similar to a gratitude list, but it’s more than just listing things that you’re grateful for.  While a gratitude list may include your house, spouse, or pet, a joy list will dig deeper as to why those things bring you joy.  A joy list is more descriptive and specific.  Here is how to make a joy list.


Little Things

First, focus on the little things that bring you joy.  These could include warm clean sheets out of the dryer, the feeling of bright sunshine on your skin, or crisp fall leaves beneath your feet as you walk, etc.  There are plenty of little things to be joyful about.  Find joy in the little things because big life events can be harder to come by.  It’s much easier to focus on the little things in your life that bring you joy.


Be Specific

Your joy list should be specific as to why it brings you joy.  Use descriptive words that evoke the feeling of joy.  For example, the smell of warm coffee wakes you up in the morning.  Or, the fall leaves remind you that the holidays are coming to spend time with family.  Write down why it specifically makes you feel joy.  Perhaps it’s the fall leaves remind you that soon you’ll be wearing comfy sweaters and enjoying everything pumpkin spice.  Focus on the specifics and create a more intense sense of gratitude by recreating that moment of joy in your mind.


Paint A Picture

Your joy list should paint a picture of the things that bring you joy.  Add in details about what you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.  For example, your joy list could include your kitchen where you can make good smelling home cooked meals to share with your spouse as you talk about your day.  You should be able to visualize the item on your joy list.  Paint a picture of the scene and the feeling of joy it brings to you.



Use your joy list as an opportunity to reflect on life events.  Not only will you reflect on joyful little things throughout the day, but you can look back on your previous joy lists and recall those memories.  This is why it’s important to be really specific, descriptive, and paint the picture.  You might have easily forgotten the little things, but since you’ve written them down, you’ll be more likely to remember them.  Plus, you’ll have a journal of memories to reflect on so you’ll never forget.



Each day try to find joy in the little things.  Start making a list of things that make you feel joy and be specific.  Simply saying you’re grateful for your house isn’t enough.  Firstly, that’s a big thing and secondly, that statement does not emit a feeling a joy.  You must focus on smaller things and be more specific.  Your joy list should paint a picture of the joyful activity.  This will make it even more fun when you go back to reflect on your joy list.  It will be much easier to remember these joyful moments that bring a smile to your face.  Make it a goal to write down three joys each day.


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