How To Create More Pure Joy In Your Life

Dec 10, 2020

Think about the things you do for pure joy in life.  These are the activities that you can get lost in.  You become so engrossed in these activities that when you check the time, hours have passed, yet it barely feels like any time has passed at all.  Doing things for pure joy is a way to play and have fun.  It makes you feel good and reenergizes you.  Find pure joy activities that you truly enjoy, that light you up, inspire you, and ultimately make you feel more fulfilled in life.  Here are four areas you can create more pure joy in your life.



Hobbies are a great way to add more pure joy into your life.  Maybe you enjoy knitting, painting, or building things.  You can feel quite accomplished when you create a finished physical product with your own two hands.  Think about the last time you were so deep into project that you wouldn’t quit until you saw it through to completion.  These are the activities you’re looking for.  Perhaps you’d rather consume than create.  You may enjoy watching operas, musicals, or plays.  Pure joy can be found in a lot of artistic outlets.  Pure joy can also be found in hobbies like singing, playing musical instruments, collecting things, and even playing games against other opponents.  Find a hobby that you enjoy for pure joy.


Self Care

Pure joy activities also include those that allow you to relax and restore.  These include reading, meditating, listening to music, taking a bubble bath, or even applying a face mask.  Find activities that you enjoy that allow you to slow down and escape from life’s daily stresses.  Use this an opportunity to recharge and rest.  Include self care activities as create more pure joy in your life.


Physical Activities

Moving your body can wake up your energy and easily get you out of a funk.  Think of things that you enjoy doing that get your heart rate up.  This could be hiking, kickboxing, surfing, snowboarding, or dancing.  Find something that wakes your body up, stretches your muscles, and helps get your blood flowing.  These activities make you feel good because you’re doing something healthy for your body.  Instead of sitting on the couch watching Netflix, you’re up moving, and having fun while doing so.  You may need to try a few physical activities before you actually find one you truly enjoy.  You may prefer competitive sports like soccer, basketball, or even an endurance cross fit class.  Perhaps you enjoy more leisurely activities, that still involve stretching your muscles, but they can be done quietly alone like yoga or swimming.  Even a leisurely walk outside counts.  Whatever it is, discover a physical activity you enjoy doing for pure joy.  It’s out there.  You may just have to test a few before you find it.



One of the most entertaining things you can do to include more pure joy in your life is to travel.  Now this doesn’t have to be international travel, it can be right in your own backyard.  Explore your local city and the history.  Visit museums, learn, explore, and try new things.  Start sightseeing!  Taste different cuisines and immerse yourself in the culture.  Go on an adventure!  Take a road trip to somewhere you haven’t been before.  Make a list of places you want to go and travel to.  Include places near and far, warm and cold.  Then, schedule in a few of these spots every quarter for pure joy.



Make a list of the things that you truly enjoy and look forward to.  Schedule in more of these things each week.  Watch as your positive energy levels increase as you do more things that you absolutely love.  Life is short.  Make sure you’re doing things that light you up and make you feel good.  Find a hobby you enjoy, include self care activities, discover a physical activity you enjoy to move your body, and take time off to travel the world.  Use these four areas to help you create more pure joy in your life.


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