Having Self Confidence To Go After Your Goals

Apr 11, 2024

The definition of self confidence is trusting your ability and judgement in life.  There are fears, worries, and doubts that challenge your self confidence.  Perhaps you’ve failed before and you don’t want to look silly.  You don’t want to experience this again so you hold yourself back from going after your goals and dreams in life.  You remain in your comfort zone of what you already know to be safe.  It’s time you find your own self confidence so that you can step outside your comfort zone, take a few risks, and move boldly in the direction of your goals.


Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is also the fear of judgement by worrying what other people will think of you because you’ve failed.  Deep down you worry that it will only confirm what you already think to be true about yourself.  Perhaps you believe you’re a failure, unworthy, not smart enough, a disaster, or incapable of achieving success.  These fears hold you back from going after your goals and dreams in life.  You worry how you’ll look when you mess up, make a mistake, or fail.  These scenarios are incredibly embarrassing and you believe they will be etched into everyone’s mind for years to come.  Being critically judged for making such a huge error is mortifying.  No wonder you’re lacking the self confidence to go after your goals and dreams in life!


Perfect Image

However, all of this is ego.  You’re not wanting to destroy this perfect picture you have created for yourself.  It is the perceived view of who you are to others.  You’ve established this persona of who are you and it appears like you’re living an amazingly successful life.  You hold yourself back so that you don’t risk or jeopardize what you’ve already built.  You don’t have the self confidence to be who you really are.  Even social media conveys this perfect image of showing everyone living their best life.  Yet, behind the scenes there’s more to the story that you just can’t see online.


People In Your Life

When you don’t have self confidence, you worry about your personal image.  If people actually knew that you didn’t have it all together or that you do make mistakes, that would crush your reputation.  Maybe people would think less of you, laugh at you, or not want to be around you.  But, if you were to really think about it, these are not the people you need in your life.  The people that point out any tiny mistake or always judge others are not helping you.  It may not seem obvious but these people also have low self confidence.  Those who strongly judge others often struggle with their own personal sense of self judgement and are very critical of themselves.  Instead, you need people in your life who lift you up, laugh with you, cheer you on, and will be there to listen when you need a shoulder to lean on.  Your self confidence is strengthened when you have a support system of people who build you up instead of tearing you down.


People Pleasing

Remember, self confidence is trusting your own ability and judgement in life.  It’s not seeking the permission or approval from others.  Trying to please other people and be in their good graces will not help you reach success.  Attempting to be liked by everyone is an impossible task.  Living up to someone else’s expectations of who you should be and what you should do is just not realistic.  You’re setting yourself up for failure and living a life based off someone else’s opinions.  You’re not able to be yourself and live the life you were truly put on this planet to live.  What someone else thinks about you or your life should not have any bearing.  You’re given one life and you never know when your time will be up.  Working tirelessly to please someone else is not living.  It’s keeping you in a box with low self confidence which is ultimately not allowing you to live life to your full potential.



When you start living life from a place of self confidence, that’s when the doors will open.  New opportunities will be presented to you.  You’ll be able to take action from a place of love and respect for yourself.  Self confidence is having enough self esteem to bet on yourself.  It’s not looking outside of yourself for permission or approval of fearing the judgement what others will think.  You are able to achieve success on your own terms.  Have the courage to be self confident so that you can go after your goals and dreams in life.


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