Finding The Balance In Daily Routines

Mar 30, 2023

If you think about your life, you probably have a few routines.  Maybe a morning routine to get ready for work and evening routine to wind down before bed.  These routines are end caps to your day.  Routines don’t require much thought which is probably a good thing when you’re not quite awake in the morning or getting ready to sleep at night.  Yet, getting stuck in daily routines can having you living a mediocre life.  Living the same life on repeat day in and day out isn’t very exciting.  You’re not pushing yourself to live life to your full potential or stretching to achieve your goals and dreams in life.  There has to be a balance between a daily routine and finding the excitement that life has to offer.  Here is more about finding the balance in daily routines.


Time Saver

A routine saves you time.  It also eliminates your need for decision making.  You are already inundated with so many decisions throughout the day, a routine takes the guess work out.  You can close your eyes and go through your routine blind folded.  It doesn’t require much thought.  However, this can also be a detriment.



Getting stuck in your daily mundane routine can become extremely boring.  Getting up and doing the same thing over and over again, just to do it all on repeat the next day is not very exciting.  It gets rather dull very quickly.  You already know what to expect and what comes next.  The thrill and excitement are completely lost with a routine.  But, a routine give you structure and guidance to show you what’s to come.



A routine helps you get things done.  You have certain triggers in your routine that throughout the day remind you of what you need to be doing.  A set routine ensures that you get the necessary tasks completed that need to be accomplished each day.  Without a routine, you’d simply be scrambling to figure out what needs to get done and in what order.  You might put on your clothes and then get into the shower.  It just doesn’t make sense.  There would be a lot of confusion, stress, messiness, and disorganization to your day.  This is why you have a routine.  You know exactly what you need to do so that you feel accomplished at the end of the day.


Create Balance

Yet, there is a delicate balance between having a set routine and giving yourself permission to explore.  Allow yourself to step outside of the comfort zone of your routine and try new things.  In doing so, you keep the excitement for life alive.  Make sure you plan at least one thing each week that changes up your routine and pushes you outside your comfort zone.  Perhaps that’s trying a new recipe or restaurant, taking a different route to work, going on an adventure, doing something spontaneous, etc.  Challenge yourself to get out of your normal daily routine once and awhile.  Create that balance between having a routine and experiencing life for all that it has to offer.



Being able to achieve your goals requires that you have a routine.  Without a routine, you wouldn’t get as much done as you’d like.  Nor would you feel very accomplished at the end of the day.  But, don’t get stuck in routine so much so that you forget about the exciting things in life.  Push yourself out of your routine every so often by doing something fun that lights you up and brings you joy.  You’ll be more inspired and motivated to go after your goals and dreams in life when you find balance in your daily routines.


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