Fall Down To Rise Up And Achieve Your Goals

Mar 28, 2024

Life is full of ups and downs.  There are steep mountains to climb and deep, low valleys to traverse.  The journey can be long and arduous but it’s worth it if it means you’ll achieve your goals.  However, if you’re avoiding risks and taking the easy route, you won’t get you to where you want to be in life.  You’re going to have to fall down, rise back up, and keep trying if you want to achieve your goals.


Your Thoughts

Going on this journey is not easy.  Especially when the overwhelming thoughts of self doubt, fear, and worry quickly creep in to bombard you.  You question if you should leap and go after your goals or not.  You ponder staying the course or change directions.  You wonder if you dare to take action or play it safe by remaining in your comfort zone.  You get lost in the abyss of these thoughts and you begin making excuses as to why you’re not taking action towards your goals.  This inevitably causes you to miss out on the whole grand adventure of life.  You never actually make any progress to purse a better path for yourself because you’re too afraid to take the risks necessary to achieve your goals.  You need to let your courage be louder than your fears, worries, and doubts.


Falling Down

Being courageous is taking a risk to go after your goals even when you’re not sure how it’s going to go.  You take action through the fear, worry, and doubt believing that you can figure it out.  It won’t always go the way you want or plan.  In fact, you’re going to have to fall down, learn, and get back up again.  Those are tough moments.  But, you have to be willing to be okay with falling down.  Otherwise, you’ll never be able to take the risks needed to rise up and achieve your goals in life.


Taking Risks

You have to fall down in order to rise up.  That means taking risks.  Be curious enough to try something new with zero guarantee that it will work out.  When you’re learning or attempting something entirely new, you’re accepting the mystery of never being there before.  You have no clue what you’re doing.  Yet, this is how you achieve your goals.  You’re just a beginner who is open and willing to be teachable through the journey.  Take a risk on yourself and trust that you’ll be able to figure it out as you go.  Your goals can’t wait forever!


Learning From Mistakes

The best teacher is when you fall down and have to get back up.  Sure, it’s difficult and can be an embarrassing moment.  But, there is so much to be learned when you fall down.  You receive information and feedback that allows you to change your approach to try again.  You’re going to fall down and make mistakes.  Yet, those mistakes will teach you how to move forward in life.  Avoid keeping yourself sheltered from making mistakes because that’s not going to allow you to experience the exhilaration of taking risks.  These risks are required to achieve your goals.



Falling down is so much better than never giving yourself the opportunity to rise up and achieve your goals.  When you have to rise up, you must find the inner courage, strength, and perseverance to get back up again.  That takes a lot of will power to dust yourself off and keep going when things aren’t going your way.  Be willing to fall down and believe in yourself that you have the power to rise back up.  Prove to yourself that you’re capable of taking risks and imperfect action.  Embrace learning from your mistakes.  Remember, when you fall down, you learn, and when you rise back up, you’re still able to achieve your goals in life.


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