Change Your Relationship With Your Comfort Zone

May 23, 2019

The definition of a comfort zone is a place or situation to feel safe or at ease without stress.  Every experience you have is determining what feels good and safe versus what feels uncomfortable.  You use those experiences to determine what goes in your comfort zone and what goes outside of it.


If you were ever made fun of, felt judged, or criticized for what you were doing, you immediately placed those things outside of your comfort zone.  You never want to feel those feelings again so you deem those situations as uncomfortable and push them out of your comfort zone.


Things that just sound scary because you’ve never done them before are outside of your comfort zone too. You’re so afraid of the unknown that it’s better off to remain with what you do know for sure is safe.  Who knows what will happen if you step outside your comfort zone.  You decide not to risk it and take a chance that it could be uncomfortable.


You avoid stepping outside your comfort zone because ultimately it feels uncomfortable to you.  But, you can’t just follow what feels good and safe all the time.  The truth is, you created the line between what is comfortable and what isn’t.  The only way to expand your comfort zone is change your relationship with the fear of being uncomfortable.


Your comfort zone is all a creation of your mind.  It’s the beliefs you hold because of the stories you tell yourself from interpreting each situation.  Those situations don’t have to feel complicated and uncomfortable.  You simply have to change your beliefs around them.


Change the meaning that you’ve attached to things outside your comfort zone.  Look at it from a new perspective.  Take those things that appear so uncomfortable, so scary, that you could never possibly imagine doing, and change your relationship with them.  When you do, you will find that it’s no longer fear that’s holding you back.


Often times if something seems uncomfortable you decide to wait until it does feel comfortable before you take action.  That rarely happens unless you embrace the fear of the uncomfortable and do it anyway.  But, like many of us, the fear of doing something uncomfortable is so scary that it’s just easier not to do it all.


Instead of waiting for the situation to change and become comfortable, you can change your beliefs. You decide what is comfortable and what is not.  In fact, what’s comfortable for you may not be comfortable for someone else. Everyone has their own unique comfort zone.  For example, you may find public speaking uncomfortable but others love it.  The line that has been created between what is scary and uncertain to what is known and familiar is based off your own personal beliefs.


The line, zone, or boundary around what is comfortable and what is not is created by you.  You put that definition there.  Therefore, you have the power to change it.  You chose to put those things outside your comfort zone. Now you can choose to put them back in. It’s your choice.


You can choose to run away and hide from the things that are outside your comfort zone.  Or, you can embrace them and pull them into your comfort zone so that it expands.  When you grow your comfort zone, you will live an amazing life that is not dictated by the fear of being uncomfortable.


You will never be able to achieve greatness in your life if you let your comfort zone decide what you can and cannot do.  Change your thoughts and beliefs around what is uncomfortable to eliminate your fear. Do not let that boundary line hold you back from going after your dreams and living life to the fullest.



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